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That was probably on the silver my buddy did Saturday. He’s a bottom cut first guy. It might’ve just had something to do with trying to lift a piece into the rigging with the grcs.

So spy this!!:****you: Lol

I had to shutdown a job over the summer due to my worker felling a spar with a bypass Dutchman. We had a tag line and it had some sidelean towards a chicken coop but it was an easy flop. It stopped dead in its trajectory and started to go towards the hens from the bypass closing. It landed somewhat where it was supposed to but i shut the loader off and had my guys gather around and shame the feller on what he did was wrong and why. After speaking for about a minute I realized they had no idea what I was saying. It was like I was speaking Greek to them. I ended by pointing at the bypass and yelled, “don’t ever do this ever!”
This guy is probably a better takedown guy than I am (we’ve been working together for like 23 years). 98% of the time he nails that cut perfectly. Generally, you’re right though, it is a dangerous cut - especially in the hands of a beginner!!
They are pretty tall, especially that giant clump behind the house. Figures there’s a septic tank limiting how close I can get the bucket/equipment too. Should be interesting. Nice to have steady work anyway. Lord knows I’ve got steady bills. Lol
Today is multiple small jobs/shut up the annoying, nagging, whining, homeowner(s) day. Gonna try and knock off four to make it worth it. Need to keep moving. Any of these annoying bastards start getting chit-chatty, they’re gonna get the MDS elbow to the mouth. Lol. Fuckers.
Call came in Tuesday afternoon, returned Wednesday. Needed a 100 year old (his estimate) Maple removed as cheaply as possible so he can have his driveway redone. Driveway crew was starting Thursday morning. WTF Another call on Friday, limb was broken and hanging and would damage the home if it fell. OK, reasonable request since it had been windy the last couple of days. During the conversation it became clear that the limb broke over a month ago and it needs to be done by Tuesday since they are going on vacation. I love to disappoint people.
Today is multiple small jobs/shut up the annoying, nagging, whining, homeowner(s) day. Gonna try and knock off four to make it worth it. Need to keep moving. Any of these annoying bastards start getting chit-chatty, they’re gonna get the MDS elbow to the mouth. Lol. ****ers.

Nothing like banging out a pizza delivery route of jobs. An hour here, half hour there, banking fat stacks from chiselers. I leave my Protos muffs on to deters banter with homeowners. If I catch them lips moving in my peripherals I pretend “I no hear señor”.
Haha. Yeah, you know the deal. Especially better when they’ve made a true nuisance out of themselves to the point where you start hating, then 20 mins into there job you’re wrapping up and they’re like “wow, let’s see, that was like 20 mins for $450. Not bad!”. No, sir, it wasn’t, but dealing with you to get to this point was a pretty trying ******* ordeal indeed, let me tell you!

Ended up taking care of five of them like that today. Not bad.
Well, an update,
I did not want to start a new thread, but if I did, it would be under the title of' 'RIP Urban Tree Care,'
Well, we went through the change and that was a big change,
I am happy, lot's of changes, but awesome changes,
Actually, it all makes sence , the support I get is great, I do not have to worry as much,
My truck is wrapped, looks cool,
I sure got my work cut out for me,
Jeff, :cool:
Yesterday I had a crane for the day for two jobs a half mile from each other. The first was an oak on a house that went well aside from the wisteria on it. The other was two red oaks behind a house around 28”. On the second to last pic of the day a storm blew through and we started hearing thunder then lightning. The operator was like, “let’s wrap it up, hurry!” So I rushed through the last two spar picks. Something about rushing when you have a metal pole going in the air 120’ during lightning makes things take more time. My hands flubbing, spitting expletives, pouring rain slipping things up.

We got it done just as hail starting coming down in sheets.
Well, an update,
I did not want to start a new thread, but if I did, it would be under the title of' 'RIP Urban Tree Care,'
Well, we went through the change and that was a big change,
I am happy, lot's of changes, but awesome changes,
Actually, it all makes sence , the support I get is great, I do not have to worry as much,
My truck is wrapped, looks cool,
I sure got my work cut out for me,
Jeff, :cool:
Well, lets see the truck :):)