I don't get many cut and leave jobs, very rare indeed, and rarely do residential, but this is a special client. Affluent area with big eucalyptus and being in a drought zone for years this is common, lot's of dying eucalyptus..
Anyway, this euc has been declining for over two years and the top is dead and brittle, not a good tree for rigging.
The deck stays, the limbs over the house can not be rigged because they are going to rain down debris on a house built in 1927.
There is no access for a crane at all,
Pic 1 is the the tree
Pic 2 is the top
Pic 3 is shows the distance I need to have the tree jump to miss the deck
Pic 4 shows how far the jump has to be to clear the irreplaceable original walkway, about 6 feet
Pic 5 shows the spot 250 feet away I plan as the drop zone
So, needless to say, this will be the biggest jump cut that I have planned
I am very nervous but I am not paid for my looks,
Here are the pic's, I am doing this on Thursday next week,
Comments will be appreciated,