I can fit in a one man bucket with a 395. I never really thought about it, just do it. It works. Far as wood goes, you need to adjust the bucket and then slowly “hinge” (tear) the log onto the rim while holding it with your left arm (if right handed). Then fanagle you way to the controls and move the piece to wherever you’re going to drop it (if you need to move). There’s no putting the piece in the bucket with you. Hope that makes at least some sense.
As far as SM goes... they always do seem to have something or another to catch our eye, don’t they? I think that’s part of their deal. I would just say go check it out and then double check it. Drive it/fly it (over center especially) yourself. Don’t take their “word” for anything. That’s about all I can say. Oh, and crawl underneath and make sure their squirrels haven’t eaten the hyd. lines. They must have a lot of squirrels or big rats there. Lol.
Good to hear from you, Hitoppa!! Post some pics if you get it!!!