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I had my first experience with a spider lift yesterday... Rented a "Tracked lift brand" 72'er it was red. Controller was a PIA at first and just a pain at the end. First it only worked when not in the bucket, then some how it started working for a few mins from the bucket. I guess a outrigger sank in the sandy ground some(small mats were included but not big enough for the sandy soil). It wouldn't let me move left or right, only down . I was about 60' up in the canopy trying to get a few hours in before dark alone(help was arriving Tuesday morning). Boom would go down but since I was in the canopy I couldn't get down over the oak tree leads. Rather then making a phone call for help I descended down on a rigging rope... lesson learned never use a unframilar lift alone.
Next morning(yesterday) had to call the rental company to get the controller to work in bucket(had a 5 min. tutorial when I picked it up). Guy talked me threw it on the phone in the morning but the rest of the day controller only would work when plugged into the bucket. Turned out battery was dead in remote, found that out this morning when I dropped it off.
4 dead/dying oaks all over the 2 acre yard, 3 biggins(32"+dbh). 1 over the new fence, the biggest of bunch was 5' from the house w/ 2 week old solar paanels on roof. With just a dead hollow squirll filled stem to rig from I picked and threw everything over the house. Other 2 were in the woods w/ just a shed under 1 side of those 2 trees. So they were pretty easy.
Arrived at job at 7:00 yesterday, didn't get boom functional till after 8. Finished last tree at 6:30. Balls to the wall all day w/out a 1 min break except when saw was sent down to be refueled. I told the homeowner it would be a additional charge if lift was needed for a second day. So you would think since I finished in one day busting my arse he would throw me a bone, Nope.
I hated the lift at first being so used to the bucket truck single 6 position pistol joystick. Now that I understand the quirks of the lift I like them. I needed all 72' and some to get to 2 of the trees to avoid rigging down monster pieces over targets or the wooded area. Going threw the woods was much easier w/ the tracked lift then any lift I ever used.
Got a pin oak removal climb on saturday, looking forward to rigging stuff/pick-throw/chunking again w/ no rental lift under me. Rental guy hooked me up compared to normal rate, charged me 620 for lift and trailer. Then another 190 in tax and waiver and 600 deposit. Nornally it would be 780 for the lift and trailer plus tax/waiver/deposit. It will have to be a necessity in the future to rent that lift again. I'll stick with genie towables or nifty lifts if the trees aren't climbable. Sorry for the novel w/ no pics but really had no time to even think about pics.
Tracked Lifts is the dealer in PA. They sell Omme lifts and the Platform Basket lifts. Sounds like you had the PB. I’ve heard they have a lot of crap on them. Omme is the cats ass, but pricey. I’m sure you know this, but there’s a bit of a learning curve with most new equipment. Lol
Tracked Lifts is the dealer in PA. They sell Omme lifts and the Platform Basket lifts. Sounds like you had the PB. I’ve heard they have a lot of crap on them. Omme is the cats ass, but pricey. I’m sure you know this, but there’s a bit of a learning curve with most new equipment. Lol
Yup it was a "Platform Basket lifts". When I dropped it off they explained how many complaints they have with it. Not worth the hassle they said and were considering selling it. Seemed like they had to go to wherever the renter had the lift to repair or teach the renter how to use it very often. The rental company dosen't really even know exactly how to use it, just the bare essentialls. The above may work out to my advantage, might be able to get a even more discounted rental price. Still lookin forward to saturdays pin oak climb tho.
After using it I really now understand why you use so much plywood. These tracked lifts really tear up the yard, fortunately my customer wasn't worried about it. He wanted the trees down the cheapest way possible, thats what he got. Not 1 rake was brought out or any wood/branches moved unless it was in our way.
Oh it’s poison ivy. I really don’t get it too bad typically. We’ll see. There’s enough of it. Lol
I havent gotten it yet and I've been eyeball deep in it. They say most people dont keep their immunity forever and when you get it the first time it's real bad, not looking forward to that day!

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I can’t even imagine looking forward to a pin oak climb... unless maybe it was part of a prison work release program or something. Lol. Not that the MDS would know anything about that..:cool:
I actually like climbing them. Generally around here they are bushy tree's w/ less super long leeds then white/red oaks. I'd say most are 60-70' so not real tall either. Some grow wide w/ long narly shaped leeds. But most have lots of branches right off the trunk, almost like how white pines grow.
Therefore there's many options for TIP's. Limb walks are easier since there's usually a branch growing straight out over your head. Hard a$$ wood for sure, so many knots and a crooked grain. Chunking down can be difficult w/ so many knots. By far the hardest splitting wood I've encountered w/ that crazy grain and all the knots.
Busy period over here is southern Australia. Few jobs from last ten days or so when have had a second to get the lenses out. Been working like bastard donkeys.

Removal of dead Eucalyptus nicolli.

Indirect lightning strike, planted, 25-30 year old, 1.4m DBH.

(Not sure how to make photos visible in message - can take a decent shot, uploading them though....)


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Removal of dead Eucalyptus marginata, phytophthera sp. decline. 50 years plus, remnant of native veg, completed approx 30 mins before first proper system of the season. 30 mins later 125km/h winds commenced & the work piled up.

Modern weather tools make it a lot easier to work the weather windows....


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Next day as the wind eased.

Eucalyptus robusta, planted < 25 years, 1.4m + DBH, failed on primary inclusion. Produced approx 60m3 of mulch from the two stems & clean up of damaged adjoining trees. High biomass producing beasts the swamp mahogany.

Sent one of my guys up to finish cleaning an adjoining Corymbia calophylla just on dark, parks his pudding arse pushing logs on the Vermeer to much, forgets whats it's like up in the canopy....


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Couple of days later when conditions allowed.

Back to removed unstable standing stem. Heavy backlean, powerlines, house, office, water tank, nursery open to public. Some nervous rigging out on a less than desirable base.


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