We are gonna use the sub for both jobs on consecutive days. Had him booked for Mon and Tues. He called me Sat and said he taking off Mon. for a holiday he forgot it was. Me and Bryan were gonna work anyway and I told Bryan I'd double pay him for that day and he was down for it. Now we are moved to Tues and Wed for the sub, looking like rain and storms those days, esp Wed and I have to decide which to do first. The big ash, well over 100' tall and 5' trunk dia will take most of the day to get all wood out and the school will be part of the day I think so want to do the ash first and have him leave his crane in my lot and drive my Nissan Frontier home for the night (Kentucky) if he wants and come back. If he no shows then it is a trade his 90 ton crane for my mini truck lol. Gotta do a bit of ball riding (not balls like you ride MDS) on the ash. Just want it all over. Got $20k on both of em. Purchase order on one and check on front porch on the other on completion.