@treevet do you suck dicks?
What a little pu*sy.
You try getting under peoples skin and call them all kinds of disparaging names and question their years and years of skills in the tree biz, not to mention the trials and tribulations he's gone through as we've all gone through over the years and when he fights back and gets under YOUR skin, you cry foul. You cried foul when he mentioned boning your mom and you told him to lay off, you're only 15. Then you continue to team up with others as if you're on the same level playing field as they are and try a team attack on treevet. He gets after you again and finds your facebook page and you cry like a little bit*h.
There was only one other tree guy that I got after years ago for being a huge poser. Every time we saw his picture he was next to someone else's equipment as if it was his, he told us all about how he was killing it on HIS jobs when he actually worked for someone else and in the end, he now apparently works for parks and recreation. Total POS. Thats where I am currently with you, POS punk.
This thread was started when you were 5 f*cking years old, just old enough to not piss your pants. Over the years, vet and mds have jabbed back and forth about their jobs but I'll bet both of then would help the other in a heartbeat if it needed to be done. THOSE guys are on the same skill levels and talent and experience levels. What have you got? A few ropes, a puny saw and a weedwhacker?
Like I told the other POS, when you own your own business with all the problems associated with it like catastrophic equipment failures all the way down to injuries and small petty BS that goes on in a business, have a wife and kids to support, have a home to pay for, have clients to please and somehow find some time to rest on occasion, get back to me and join the thread again. Till then, you're a little pissant that nobody likes putting up with. And that "homeschooling" you're doing? Apparently they don't teach a class in respect and decency. Or maybe they do and you've got a failing grade. Maybe your teacher would like to see some of the sh*t you've posted in here and would like to see how you make friends? I don't know too many ex Marines that would put up with you and your crap for this long. Maybe you should show a little respect and maybe, just maybe, he'll give you some tips and pointers. But that would mean you'd have to face the fact that you don't know jack about this business and haven't started off on the right foot.