I have at least 3 opossums that routinely visit my outdoor chicken feeder, along with at least two racoons, three skunks, several rabbits and a smelly fox. How do I know? Chicken cam. No problems with them… so far. I feel kind of bad for the opossums having to eat them dry chicken pellets but they don’t complain. It was 10 above this morning with 4” of fresh snow. About time to start tapping the maple and birch trees again.
This week is supposed to be cold all week with single-digit lows, below-zero wind chills, and highs in the teens. In short, the average temp is going to be about 30 degrees below normal and more snow and below zero readings are scheduled for the next weekend.
Nobody around here has seen a ground hog and February snowfall broke the all-time record. I might as well move to Fargo, ND or International Falls, MN.
Pretty much he same over here in the PNW. No winter at all until February and it proceededd to make up for all ghe good weather. 3 weeks of temps 15 or more degrees below normal and snow, snow, snow. Out iwht the snowblower AGAIN today to clear driver and a path (for the 3rd time) from the porch to the woodshed...which is almost empty. Spent an hour today shoveling drifts against the back yard retainer wall that is 5' high. The dog could have walked right over it and he has no brains. Just runs paying no attention to where he's going when he gets out. Feb now ranks 2nd for "most snow ever in February" I was out several times on the willow patch clearance project in Jan, only had one tree to go fro the farmer to be able to move his junk back in there. Not to be until this snow goes away.
It's weird all right. Here's the description of the latest major storm:I personally don't think any of this is climate change so to speak but the magnetic poles may be shifting causing weird weather
I’m thinking the way the weather is going to put about six cords of wood for next winters heating season. I burned two cords this year with scraps.