What a creep!!

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Ya well i'd sell that ugly orange saw too... trade up to a "real powder puff"
What ya think $800 funny money ??
Eric..i hear ya...but I cant part from the swedish family..as Huskyman says..."swedish women are prettier" :D

I think Johnboy is liquidating his assets to afford to come to Clearwater for the revival...he has pissed away the million already...there is a shocker....I believe he figures with the Art Martin chain and an axe he can beat the world record of how fast a person can cut and split a cord of wood...and make his fortune and fame that way....so he can blow it again...I think the last time he got this close to fame was when Stomping Tom Conners speed- bagged him....
Hi Dennis, I am so lovin my saws that I thought I would offer them up for sale. Like how many saws do we really need? Borrow and share, thats what i say. I hope you have learned the difference between granite and hemlock.
Not very nice, John! I got a call from your ex-friend Mr. G this morning at 4:00 AM EST. I was fast asleep when the phone rang and when I picked it up, I hear all this sobbing, blithering and wailing going on. I figured it was a crank call because I can't make out any of the words except a few "eh's" every once in a while. Anyway, all of a sudden a chainsaw fires up (clearly piped) and he starts in with some sort of homage chant to a lost 346 child or something. I can tell from the slurred "speech" and burping that he's really on a bender. Then all of a sudden, there's sirens in the background, the phone gets dropped on the floor and I hear him screaming something like "f**k all of you guys! How would you feel if your friend tried to sell your son!" After a couple of gunshots, the saw stops and some woman picks up the phone. She's obviously totaled as well and proceeds to tell me about how he burst into a local Eskimo saloon earlier, babbling about how he just lost his Husky and needed a good sturdy Eskimo buffalo woman to cheer him up. As they carted the fool off to the pokey, she started propositioning me to take his place (she probably thought I was a local). I did ask here to describe herself: 64 years old, 320 lbs., lack-of-estrogen stubble, two teeth and a pierced eyebrow ring.

Some friend you are, Gyro!
Hi Doug, that lil creep Dennis has gone and stolen my girl. There will be war now!
That gal is no other then Mucktuck Annie from Frobisher Bay, If she wears reindeer underwear than thats my Annie. Dennis is probably drinking tea beer and antifreeze till he falls right off of his feet, and theres seal skin flippers and potatoe chips when ya feel like somethin to eat.
I'm gunnin for ya now Greffard! I got a mind to buck your legs off at the knees.
Connors speed baged me cause I ran off with Annie and now this.
Get that firewood ready Greffard, I will block, split and pile 16" wood 8' x 4' x 16" in 19 min. 37 sec.
How about you two creeps in a Clearwater Chainsaw Cage Match with a couple of hopped up 2171's running vegetable oil and Lambertized pipe-wrench filed chains. We could be getting the barbeque ready whil'st you guys had at it. Mucktuck could be the prize.

Where you been, boy?
Clearwater Chainsaw Cage Match

ok..i knew I was a little twisted...but cripes Doug!!! and you said you wouldnt tell anyone about that night...the cops are still a little upset about that starter pistol...and the neighbors still havent stopped talking.....oh well...

John you take one of your favorite saws..(if you havent sold them all by then) and I will take my favorite saw and race you...my three cuts to your one...:D got my saw picked out already..

Maybe this should have been called Redneck games, instead of Clearwater Revival...

Been busy with my 1st co-op, torque testing with Bosch on their Diesel injectors and pumps. That and getting into decent shape again. I try and read all the threads i can just dont have the time anymore it seems. That and the g/f soaks up some hrs too. Just know i am still watching and keeping tabs.