Damnit! Been watching the 7 day forecast since last Friday - looked like things would be drying out Mon, Tue, Wed and continue dry through the weekend. Big plans to go to the woodpatch and get a lot of the burn pile cleanup done on Thurs. Figured it would be dry enough to drive in (I got stuck last week trying that) All weekend scattered showers but wild wind, Mon showers but too windy with chill factor down in the 20s. Tues dry and tried to work on cleanup around the wood pile. Got a little done but wind chill got to me again. Wed, fairly nice and dry put ipn two good good hours cleaning up odds and ends around the woodpile.
This morning got up and we had had a ?snow/ice/hail? shower, ground white. Figured to go to the breakfast club about 7 and leave at 8 thinking things would be dry. 8 and the white cover was still present even where the sun was hitting. Cancled the trip thinking to put in time on the woodpile., Nope not even that. Ice/frost cover was enough that the rider mower with turf tires was helpless. Just checked again at 1pm and ice still in the shade, ground "smeary".
Supposed to be a fairly hard frost again tonight so I will cancel any plans for a trip tomorrow. Maybe Saturday.
Ah well, Got a bit ambitious and cleaned out old files, confirmed one wood order for 3 cords. Hoping to be able to move wood from one stack to another, got about 3 cords yet to go so I can fix some fence.