What do ya'll think of this?? merged twice

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This is the tree I was talking about after we got the top out of it...I also know for a fact that it is well beyond Bryden's capabilities.He can climb,but he's wreckless,and take note of everything around that could have been destroyed.

All we had to do was get that log out.There was 1200 bd.ft. in that log,and it well made up the price difference.

There is another guy down the road from me that has been doing a little tree work on the side.He used to work for me,but I fired him last summer.He shows up at my house a few weeks back and asks me if I would be interested in going in with him on a job.I only did this to help him out a little,he's a real nice guy and a hard worker.He told me that he had already bid this job,and the next morning he went and showed it to me...First off,he had seriously overpriced it...Well,he asked me to call this guy and confirm a date as to when we could start,so I called him,and boy did I get an ear full....He told me that Bryden,the guy mentioned here had given him a price,they agreed on it,but he wanted to see his proof of insurance..He said that Bryden never produced it,but assured him he was insured.He also said that Bryden showed up one afternoon while he was at work to start on the job without his approval,and that he had just happened to come home early to find them starting this job....He told me that he then told Bryden to give him the name and phone# of his insurance company and that he gave him the name and number of an insurance company,but this company didn't even know who Bryden was..So needless to say he made him leave his yard....So Bryden had drug me into this knowing I had insurance and think he was still on good terms with the guy,even after he lied to him,and to me as well...Bryden also told me that there was no danger in this job,and the trees weren't a threat to anything.Well,two were over a house and another was over a three phase power line.No removals,just limb trimming,but big limbs,and the one over the power line was going to be an extremely difficult climb..The guy told me he didn't want Bryden back on his property,but asked me if I would give him a price on the job.I hate to feel like I'm steeling work from someone.So what would some of you guys do?I was glad that he didn't hold anything against me.I gave him a price,but feel kinda bad about taking someone's work.

F him! He doesnt have insurnce, you do. Anyone running without insrance is a hack! Tell him to get insurance and play on a level playing field.
Don't hear much about an uninsured guy overpricing a job, usually the otherway around. Guy sounds like bad news, I would keep my company and my reputation at a far distance.
Didn't I read somewhere around here about filling some miscreant's crack with some size 12 corks?

Seems appropriate for this thread too... :rock: :rock: :rock:
If you hadn't given his name I would have sworn that it was a guy around here, he thinks just because he puts a price down he does the work, he showed up on one of my jobs one day talking some crap about I owe him money for doing "HIS" job, well, it didn't take him long too figure out that I wasn't real concerned about "HIS" money, sounds like you need too either kick this kids you know what or explain how this business works and the trouble he can get into if he keeps going the way he is, if you are the helping kind of guy maybe give him his job back, I don't know, I would probably yank a knot in his ass and try too set him straight and help him.
Well,at this point I wouldn't pour a glass of water on him if he was on fire...While he was working for me,I bought him a car so his wife could get back and fourth from work.He was supposed to re-pay me,but of course he made about two payments and that was about it.His DL is suspended until 2020,but when I hired him he told me he was going to get it back next year.Since his license was suspended for DUI,if he gets caught driving,that means an automatic trip to jail..Well guess what?...He got caught driving back in 04,and I paid an 800 dollar fine for him to keep him out of jail...My wife pulled some strings for him another time to keep him out of jail.This was done because back then I only had one other helper,and he was the absolute hardest worker I have ever had.He also always had a good attitude.You couldn't help but like him..He got to a point starting about this time last year where he would come to work,not hung over,but still drunk from the night before..I gave him far too many more chances than I should have,but last September he left me hanging on a job that was in a rush to get done.So I fired him...I forgot to mention that his wife worked from 3 til' 12 every night.At the time,my wife worked from 7PM til 7AM...So she would get up and watch their son until we got home,and didn't charge them a dime.Otherwise he would want to be home by 2 every day..So after all the money I paid him and spent on him,all the help we gave them and all the breaks I gave him,after I fired him he started spreading rumors about me,and tried to get my wife in trouble.He was also going around to my known customers and trying to steal them from me...Not that they would give him the time of day anyway...So I'm done being nice.I take care of my employee's,but that's it.It seems like the better I try and be,the more it comes back and bites me.
From your last couple of posts timberhauler I'd have to say you are a pushover.Nut up send these losers packing.

My wife tells me I'm too nice,but I never paid it too much attention coming from a cop..I do like to think of myself as a nice guy..I kinda always thought she was overly aggresive...Everything done for this guy was done for a reason...However,I don't care what comes up anymore,I'm not dealing with someone else's problems...Nut Up...That's a good one..:hmm3grin2orange:

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