The trees that are not on private property are free game, it happens all the time, the utility knows the blocks will be taken away and they won't have to pay for removal. Thats why, written on the work order it says, buck to firewood and leave, sawlogs are a different matter, sometimes the municipality in question takes them. Most utility removals are between the street and private property, if you knew anything about the world of utility removals you would know this. Nice for you to call names, how would you like to pay your share of the the cost of the lazy muni employees picking up wood all over the place? I think not, imagine the "back injury" claims alone, for starters. Mark, don't be so quick to judge what you know little about, you remind me of the guy that freaked on us for cutting trees in front of his house for the roadbuilders, at the end of the day, all "his" trees were gone, his fence that was on "his" property was gone, and there was a big excavator sitting on "his" lawn. And finally your logic is wrong, to call me a hypocrite for alledgedly condoning stealing is illogical, as I have never spoken out against it. (althoughI believe it to be wrong)