I have saws ranging from the 70 to close to present. The lancaster 60, is painful to run. Makes your hands numb after about 10 minutes, the mac 10-10a is a little better, t my mac pm605 is better, but still have a bad case of the tingles about an hour in or so. My 031, and my 026 stihls had decent av. Both 70s era saws, and both superior to my mac's. I have a few other odd balls, but all in smaller cc, that dont really bother you to run, but also dont have the power that the more modern saws have either. Then I jump up to my 394xp, good av, and power. My 390xp is a 14 model (i think) and largely has the same feel as my 394xp, just lighter and more nimble. The same could also be said about my 359 husqy. Decent av, nice power to weight, handles well. My 562xp has to be about the smoothest running saw I've ever run. Great to use, excellent av, very good on fuel, compared to all my other 60cc class saws. Would have to sneak the bathroom scale to get weights on them, but I'll say for sure the 60cc mac's weigh a whole lot more then any of my other 60cc saws. FWIW I think husqy and stihl had the rest of them by the nutters back in the 80s as far as ergonomics and power to weight. Stihls av wasnt great, but was better then the same time period mac's I have, air filtration deffinatly wasnt their (stihls) strong point until recently. Jmo of course.