What have you traded for tree work?

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Good trades!!

Huh lets see. a 28' camper for 4 hrs worth of trim work Which is on the lake waiting for warm weather.3 months worth of money mailer advertising which ended up picking me up 50K in work.Another time 2 months of money mailer which netted similar results.Which we run a monthly add anyway. 2 Tractors,
an Engine lathe,A Allis Chalmers payloader,A Boat,A paint job on a truck,Excavator Rental,Traded some work with the filling station owner we use exclusively for a months fuel bill,Apple pie LOL,Free FFL Transfers and gunsmithing for life.Thats all that i can remember at the moment.
Nice results with your bartering. Usually we need money for plying our trade with all of our equipment, but you've done well. Feller
like mr begley i had a young lady proposition me for discounts on her tree work. were were doing construction damage pruning and removals in a culdesac nborhood and she approached me and said she wouldmake me and my groundy lunch every day if i d give her a good deal. after lunch and groundy left every day she would suggest we mess around. she even showed up one weekend w her husband while i was laying on the sand at the jersey shore w my wife.. after getting frustrated i guess ,she suggested i was gay. i took her hand and started walking to the bedroom and she turned purple beyond red. she said her kids would be home soon, what if her husband dropped by. i said this ain t gonna take long(how romantic) . she couldn t do it. i went backto work and the next day she is right back w the flirting again.
What I traded for tree work...

Let's see...

How about the security of a fat weekly paycheck, a debt-free lifestyle and the simple pleasure of having some cash lying around?

Sorry to buzzkill on an excellent topic, but it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw the title of this post!

In fact I do annually prune a big old cherry tree in exchange for several bottles of wine made from said tree. Pretty good guzzle.

It took me three years to get the structure right, it had been left to run rampant for perhaps a decade. Now it's just a walk through the tree snipping off the suckers, still making some directional bud cuts here and there.

Nice to have a tree that is a long project, seeing results over time, and the only pressure being: better cherries, better wine! ;)

not so much "treework" per se, but i did do some easy basement cleanup for 6 hours and got a Poulan 2150 with less than a 1/2 hour use on it. Needed to be adjusted and broken in, but hey, cheap saw for camping/offroading.

Heres the Payloader LOL Runs good! Took me 2 hrs of bucket truck work for the trade.

And the Ford 640 Tractor took me 4 hrs of bucket work if i remember correctly brought it home spent 30.00 bucks on a radiator repair sold it 7 days later on ebay for 2700.00
Boy, you got used big time.:D

how so? that saw retails for about $300 bucks up here in canada, i think i did pretty good. Got the gas can, oil can, files, spare chain, bar oil, 2 cycle oil, and the gascan was full. Plus free beer, pizza and homemade apple pie afterwards. Easy work too, move boxes.
Too bad you didn't get a sense of humor with the saw.

I figured that a smilie was a dead give away that I was joking around.

You da man!:bowdown:
I just sawed up 2 ,12 foot maple logs on my sawmill for pick of the litter choc. lab pups born yesterday, I'm gonna take a male. Took me about an hour total. Got a goat once and an aluminum truck bed tool box.
Got tickets to every bengals game in blues mid bench for a few years in exchange for firewood and got paid for tree work from Sam Wyche the head coach. Got maybe the short end of the deal except for 89 when they went to the super bowl and even got the coach'es padded seat box one time but we were to uncivilized for that group. What memories but that year drove me to (not) drink ever again.
Last year I cashed in a favour from anothe tree service that owed me days worth of bucket truck work. The customer was a cabinet maker... so long story short, I now have new lower kitchen cabinets! Ya gots ta luv the barter system!!! HC
One of the more interesting deals I did was for a steak house owner. I took a tree down for him for $500 cash and $300 in gift certificats from his chain of steak houses. Ate stake and drank beer for a month free!

I also paid a $1000 dollar fine for the county by taking a tree down in the court house lawn one time when I was young but we won't go there. ;)
So far...

A nice White Swan fiberglass canoe

2 miniature schnauzers, each from a separate person - 4 years apart

6 months of advertising

And this 18' Komfort travel trailer
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I barter all the time. Did you know you're SUPPOSED to claim what you gain from bartering ON YOUR TAXES?!?!?!:hmm3grin2orange:

Silly IRS.

I like to trade rope for splicing. Someone will give me 70 feet of rope. I'll splice 20' of it and keep the rest.

I traded an 8 ounce Harrison Rocket for a spliced footlock prusik.

I sewed some winch covers for someone in exchange for a 2 hour sail ride in the Baltimore Harbor.

I did a day's work for a local music store and got my Martin guitar. Would have cost about $1700, and the bill was about $1000, so it was a good deal. It sounds great- probably because I didn't pay for it!