Old Cane
ArboristSite Operative
I see a few postings but most seem to prefer the hydraulic or self powered models. What is a decent, easily obtainable pto driven splitter?
I see a few postings but most seem to prefer the hydraulic or self powered models. What is a decent, easily obtainable pto driven splitter?
Holy Crap! I guess the hydraulic is popular for a reason then. I figured they would be the cheapest out there.
highbeam, I'm in agreement with the guy you got the splitter from. I would be too scared to use the screw type splitter as well. by the way, nice tractor. I have a L4400, HST. I put two sets of hydraulics on it at a cost of $1,200. so, if your tractor does not have AUX hydraulics, you may want to reconsider adding remote hyd just to run a splitter.
I am in the process of building a pto driven splitter that has a 22 gpm pump and a 5 x 36 cylinder. it will also have a log lift.
the aux hyds that I added is too slow to run the cylinder. I use the hyd for other attachments not the splitter.
I have no interest in a standalone. I think this post has taken a turn. I have a tractor that I use for lots of stuff and this would be one more. I'f I take it out in the woods I don't have to worry about where another set of tires are going over or around stumps. I won't have one more small engine to deal with or another set of tires....and I mean, I'd be towing it with tractor anyway! I'd much rather have a 3-point unit to move. I have plenty of places for hydraulics on the tractor (in fact, on 2 tractors). And as has been said, it's a tractor! It's made to run for hours and hours.
You don't need a 2stage pump when you have plenty of HP. 2stage pumps are for only one reason....small motor to do a big job when the going gets tough. As for putting time on the tractor engine if its a diesel they will outlast a small gas engine 5xs over. I put split with mine and only put about 250hrs a year extra. Not much considering the Deere diesel should last about 7000hrs. And since running a Prince pump is barely noticed it uses practically no more than fuel then a 5.5 Briggs. If you already have the tractor its the way to go IMO.If you want a tractor mounted splitter, it would be cheaper to buy a three point splitter that runs off of your tractor's hydraulic system. This would spare you the cost of the pump and tank. Of course....... you need the hydraulic outlets to connect to.
As stated..... putting the hours on a throw-away small engine instead of an expensive tractor engine makes sense to me. Plus...... one thing you lose with most tractor splitters is the two stage hydraulic pump. If there were ever two things that go together, its splitters and two stage pumps. Well..... bewbies and beer maybe go together better, but other than that.........
As for putting time on the tractor engine if its a diesel they will outlast a small gas engine 5xs over. I put split with mine and only put about 250hrs a year extra. Not much considering the Deere diesel should last about 7000hrs. And since running a Prince pump is barely noticed it uses practically no more than fuel then a 5.5 Briggs. If you already have the tractor its the way to go IMO.
Old Cane,
I think you are looking for a splitter with a PTO driven Hydraulic pump, rather than just tapping into the tractors Hydro, right?
Stay safe!
Exactly my point........... a brand new Honda replacement engine is 219.99 X 5 = $1,100. Or.... we can go times ten = $2,200. How much to re-man a tractor engine? How much down time? To each their own, i reckon.