What is the Most Dangerous Thing.......

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Gypo Logger

Timber Baron
Dec 8, 2001
Reaction score
Yukon Territory
..you have ever done while working in the woods? I've done a whole lot of wild things in the woods, but one of the wildest was when I was driving a Treefarmer forwarder loaded with logs down a dirt road with no brakes and the log boom swung sideways and started to bounce off all the fencerow trees, debarking and uprooting them. I guess they were Township trees because I never heard anything about it again.
Anyway, going down a steep hill with no brakes was scary enough, but when the boom swung out 12 ft. I almost sh!t my pants! It was a good thing the boom swung out on the ditch side as opposed to the traffic side.
What dangerous stuff have you guys done?
PS, I'm trying to start a gunfight over here: http://www.arboristsite.com/showthread.php?t=27353
Old story from a Sthil Rep.

Here is an old story a Stihl Rep. told me back in the early 80's

This happed in Maine or Michigan,,,,
This guy buys a new Shihl to do some limbing , rigs a steel barrel and tosses a rope over one of the limbs. Has his wife pull him in the barrel up in the tree with the family truckster!
Things are going along real well, Intel he cuts the limb that was holding the barrel up, barrel hits the ground rolling!
This guy lives, finds a Lawyer to take the case and takes Stihl Inc. to court and wins just over a million bucks!

The story came with a description of how this guy got wheel-chaired into court and how bandaged up he was, but won as it didn't say anything in the owners manual about cutting the limb that was supporting you!

True story? I don't know, thats just how I heard it, but it dose take all kinds!
this would be one of the most dangerous things I've done.
Every summer, 17 years.
(of course cutting the burning ones has its moments too)
I slid backwards down a bigass icey hill, in a strait bed tandem truck with 6 cords of logs on, was still on the road when i hit the bottom, sure was quite a ride. Gypo why didn't ya drop your blade?
This was dangerous, but also very fun!

I got REALLY pissed off once and needed to vent, so I stormed over to the bedroom, ripped of the sheets and ... You know that label that says "Do not remove under penalty of federal law" ? Well... you know the rest..


Sorry, in a silly mood tonight...
climbing and pulling overhangs ( powerlines)

pulling 10 large fir trees over that had sways in the butts,trees,were 30-48"dbh, trees were leaning over powerlines pulled them over with a comalong that broke while pulling ,blasted through the woods with the chip truck ,rigged another rope with a giant block and got er done

being electrocuted ,powerlines again
Eveyday my job is dangerous, I fall timber in N. Cali. But, on Nov. 17, 1999 I was cutting the last tree on the job, underneath the haul road. I had to fall it towards the far side of the road and was off the ground ( approx 4 feet) while limbing it. I looked up and seen a 41ft doug fir log rolling off the bank which a cat had knocked loose. As it was heading towards me I went to try and jump it while on the tree I was bucking (my only option). I did not make it. The end result was my right leg broken in five places (femur twice), my main artery exploding out of the back of my leg, four broken ribs, three broken teeth and broken nose and a soiled pair of underwear.
I lost five pints of blood before I was set up with a tourniquet and medi-vacted out.
After nine hours of surgery, eight days in the hospital and a year and half of PT I am cutting logs again with two lifetime rods and five pins. No BS true story.
I guess it's in the blood
I guess Tree slinger gets the Bronze medal.

Dennis he's that mishap I was telling you about. It ran right out in front of my friends and jacked his sled up.
spacemule said:
Holy crap. Hope you had insurance.
Workmans Comp, was a savior. After I woke up in the hospital the first thing I asked was how was my new saw (2 days old 066 and my new Danner Rain Forrest Caulks) Come to find out the paramedics cut my new boots into shreds, when all they had to do was un-lace them. The saw was fine, just had to put rebuild the throttle grip and housing.
way back when I first startedin 89 I was tied in at around forty feet in a loblolly pine. The customer wanted the branch removed that I was tied to, so I left a tiny stub and came on down. There were no other branches below me...
One of my ex's lived with her elderly parents on a good bit of property, with woods. Her and I put the camper on my pickup and loaded up to go (ahem) camping. Her father didn't hear the camping part, and thought we were just going 4x4'ing. It gets dark and thinking we're stuck or dead or worse, he decides to come find us. Find us he does, and in a rather compromising position. Yeah, that was pretty dangerous........... :)
Tree Sling'r said:
Eveyday my job is dangerous, I fall timber in N. Cali. But, on Nov. 17, 1999 I was cutting the last tree on the job, underneath the haul road. I had to fall it towards the far side of the road and was off the ground ( approx 4 feet) while limbing it. I looked up and seen a 41ft doug fir log rolling off the bank which a cat had knocked loose. As it was heading towards me I went to try and jump it while on the tree I was bucking (my only option). I did not make it. The end result was my right leg broken in five places (femur twice), my main artery exploding out of the back of my leg, four broken ribs, three broken teeth and broken nose and a soiled pair of underwear.
I lost five pints of blood before I was set up with a tourniquet and medi-vacted out.
After nine hours of surgery, eight days in the hospital and a year and half of PT I am cutting logs again with two lifetime rods and five pins. No BS true story.
I guess it's in the blood

Yep, have yet to know a fella that has hurt himself badly. It's always somebody else that'll get ya' killed. No bull, just fact. Sure, many fellers have hurt themselves, broken bones, cuts, bumps, scrapes. But the really "bad" injuries are always caused by somebody else's carelessness, or stupid "mistakes". You can never be too careful in the timber.
I've been lucky. Few stitches, couple days in the hospital, nothing too serious.

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