Brad get one with power feed, you'll thank me later. I'm still on my first lathe and it has power feed/ power cross feed as well. I've spend allot of time in front of the late especially making mandrels and the power feed is a hand a wrist saver when making many many cuts, and is real nice to get much better finish cuts with. I use it all the time when doing chainsaw cylinder piston work. For myself I'd never buy anything less then 9", that's what I have, and you have to get tricky sometimes with large cylinders, cutting the base's, you have to hang the cylinder out farther so it wont hit the cross slide, and it would be nice to not have to do that.
I bought the lathe with just doing chainsaw work in mind, and since then I've done so much more with it, so keep options open and try to get the best you can get. Oh and you better double your budget if you want to get some tooling that you can actually cut stuff with! LOL I paid $1400 for my lathe with no tooling, and since then have spent much much more on tooling and accessories.