And PINSTRIPING and An ICEE Two Tone Blue Flame job to go with the cooler.and if you want fast cycle, don't forget cool paint job with matching helmet, plus some chrome here and there..just sayin...
Enough for the derail
Sorry couldn't resist..
And PINSTRIPING and An ICEE Two Tone Blue Flame job to go with the cooler.and if you want fast cycle, don't forget cool paint job with matching helmet, plus some chrome here and there..just sayin...
Larger volume oil tank and extra OIL would be economical but bulky and troublesome in portable applications.I agreed with both of you, and made note of it. Just pointed out that suction leaks are not the only place you can get air in your oil.
Economical? I used a partial roll of 3/4" copper hvac tubing. That's my return from filter to tank. Left in coil shape, color, shaped fancy, and effective!
3 birds one stone!
Extra oil is not economical. Not this day and age. The price of 40gal atf vs a new 16gal cheap 2stage. It was cheaper to run a wix 51551, used motor oil, a big magnet on the bottom of the tank, and take the chance ruining a pump vs buying new fluid.
5 years, 50cord later, still pegs 3000psi without issue, on drain oil.
I was impressive with a vickers vane, now I'm even more impressed on drain oil with a gear setup.
Sent from my s-off'ed m7 with cm11!
How about using a single stage pump with a 4 cyinder car engine? Plenty of them cheap, cheaper than Honda engines I should think. Single stage pumps are cheap and some, rebuildable. I have an old single stage setup with a 1600cc pinto engine. Only 6 gallons of oil and it never gets hot with 9 second times with a 5" × 24" ram and 2 & 1/2" rod. The fuel consumption is low as I run mostly at 500 - 600 rpm vs 3000 rpm for a 400cc unit. No secondary stage slowdown, no oil cooler needed and no bypasses. Why are people so reluctant to go with more power and single stage pumps?
Would using an engine much larger than needed to do the job result in higher fuel usage?
Would running a gasoline automobile engine at 5-600 rpm long term create engine damaging conditions?
It seems that using two speed pumps is as logical as using transmissions in automobiles.
Still more then my pump. I bought a cheapo.A 55 gal drum of AW32 runs about $250.
Because of the cost of a factory built splitter being cheaper than buying all the parts and building your own, I would think most folks that do build their own do so with parts on hand or easily scrounged. My current splitter is all build from parts I had or scrounged, but I did buy some new parts when I went to making improvements. I actually started with a Vickers vane pump I picked up out of the mud at a scrap yard, gave $2 for it. I had a 25hp Kholer engine I took off a piece of equipment I was no longer using. Picking up scrap metal for free or almost free, I was able to put together a pretty decent wood splitter. I plumbed it with used hoses and fittings. That 25hp kholer engine was almost $2000 new, no way I would have bought that motor new just to build a wood splitter with. I think most people pretty much copy something someone else has put together and most folks will use a small gas engine and a two stage pump. Auto engines usually require radiators and some fancy cobbeling to hook a pump to, are large and heavy, and probably way overkill just to split wood with. Who am I to talk, I am planning on a 7.3 or B6 cummins diesel for my current build and just hoping I have the hp I need.
Kevin, your an exception no doubt. I'm just plain crazy![]()