I was never part of that process, but from a cursory look it appears that you can import service items and client lists from quickbooks over to singleops. However, i am definitely unfamiliar with the inner workings of quickbooks, but i know we must have done that too bc there are clients listed in our account who haven't had any work done since implimenting the system. I do not see the option to import a xls or cvs document tho.
Yeah, its hard to stream line out the little steps in a paper only process like that. Our office manager who takes the initial call asks if we have worked for them before, and if not their email is always part of the information she inputs. So usually people who want paper copies of everything will have a comment already saved to their client profile indicating the need items printed.
One thing that is nice too is that you can send emails really quickly with a saved email template that auto populates all the details specific to the clients proposal. Tho sending emails to many clients in bulk does risk getting your domain flagged and sent to spam folders. It's usually with the yahoo, comcast, hotmail and personal domain name recipients. You can also set up automated emails for late unpaid invoices, or if they haven't opened your links. (which is also nice, being able to see if and when they have viewed your proposal or invoice is a little creepy but makes determining if the person who hasn't paid you yet just has their spam auto-deleted or if they need a good ol fashioned pink slip in the mail.