Champions work good in briggs engines that is all I know.
I run champion, They are the only plug the stores near me stock. They seem to work just as good as the bosch that came in the saw stock. Since Im the only running them on this thread I have to ask , Is there any known problem with champion plugs?
Champions work good in briggs engines that is all I know.
Does NGK make an iridium plug for saws? My quad came stock with NGK iridium and I Haven't had a problem with them and I have abused the wee out of the thing.
The only plug problems I have had were with champions in a ford truck. I have heard that fords and champions don't mix but I duno weather that is true or not.
My grandpa told me never to buy a Dodge because the manufacturer thought they were only worth putting champion plugs in.
NGK has the new iridium plugs, but I cannot find one for the size that Stihl takes.
Also you are better off with Autolites in your Ford engines. All my Fords ran better with them (Champs sucked). My '55 F100, '67 Mustang, and Galaxy 500 all ran better with Autolites. I do not run them in my Ford F250 'cause its a diesel.
NGK or bosch in the saws.
Autolites in the cars...Those things will fire in mud! seriously.... blew a head gasket once and had to limp it home almost 80 miles from the track. Damn plug still fired when the motor was
Wow you gotta B & S on your saw????? oh, they dont turn 14K rpm either???![]()
Autolites in the cars...Those things will fire in mud!