what to charge your neighbor

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fwf said:
From some of these responses, I get the impression some of you folks have never lived in the country where "neighbors help neighbors" and "help people out who are less fortunate than yourself".

Maybe I am reading all this wrong, but I get the impression that arboromega has a good neighbor who is an older woman without a lot of money. He wants to help her out because that is neighbors and friends do. That is ???? admirable. Ya, you could make her pay her fair share, but that ain't the way things work where I come from.

You are reading this wrong. He WANTED to do it for free, but his neighbor INSISTED on paying. We are trying to help him give her a more than fair price
but won't feel to her like charity.
I think its good to help neighbors but some times you got be careful ,i told my neighbor a good price for a removal that was 1000 and was going to do for 500 still to much and he has money.go with gut omega.
treeseer said:
cmon omega post a pic and tell us why the trees need to come down in the first place; give us some context so all this good advice you're getting can be better informed.

Gee, your at it again, do you work for Greenpeace or something? :)
Ekka said:
Gee, your at it again,
Can't help it Ekka, it's in my genes via evolution, no way out.
do you work for Greenpeace or something? :)
Used to back in the 70's in fact; boat hand, diver, clerk/fundraiser in Key West store when on the mend from a tree mishap. I've branched out into my own envirocharity now; I think I'll call it TreePeace. ;)

But hey all the time i'm called to look at trees that are causing problems for people. Once you learn the nature of those problems, what's really bothering the people, you can lay out a series of possible resolutions, only one of which is tree removal.

So that's why I'm after omega (who up to now struck me as a very reasonable dude :cool: ) to tell the whole story, to look for a resolution to his neighbor problem. Just like y'all. :angel:
just cut them down... have her make lunch for a week,,,2 weeks,,3 weeks,,a month...what ever it takes.... get some fried chicken, real iced tea,,, home made salads,,, pies,,,,,etc.....she sounds like a class act,, she wants to pay.. most nieghbors expect it for free.....you want the trees down also...so, do it when your slow.. doesn't sound like a rush job.....don't forget 2 pecan pies!!!!
my thoughts exactly...there are some jobs you get burnt on... then,, there are jobs you bid high, and get them... and they sail....you rock and roll a big job.. do under budget... you pay your crew for the day... let them finish the day out at your place...get some eats out of it...its all good!!!
She is a retired blue colar worker who values anothers hard work, I usually tell people what I would charge otherwise and then give them a labor rate.

I'm doing a removal for a new neighbor of my folks for abou half what it would cost to get it on the ground (which is all I'm doing on this property, anothe neighbor is taking the big wood and the customer and another neighbor will "city stack").

Then there is the fellah who insisted on a formal bid for removing 5, 30 ft common arbs, a pear and some small shubs. I said 150 placed roadside. He saw it was done in 1.5 mhrs and got snippy :rolleyes:
thanks for your responses guys. sorry it took me abit to get back on here to check the thread, been busy with some work. to answer some quick questions...the trees are not worth saving, they are 3 mulberries that pushed to a 70 degree angle by hurricane isable a few years ago, one of them is on her house and all three lean into her yard. i will post a before after pic(sorry i should have started with that).
for those of you who said 400-500 bucks you got it. approx.1/4-1/5 of the actual cost.
she accepted a 400$ bill with a hold on payment until august when she gets her retirment check. i will do the work today and post some pics this weekend. her grandson is helping me as a ground worker. so i dont have to hire someone.
omega if you don't want to hear alternatives, just say so when you post the pics and I promise I'll shut up. I am kinda partial to mulberries--they're a tasty snack this time of year--and I reduce them regularly, as branches are prone to breaking if left to sprawl. Maybe Maas will want to draw som3e lines on the pics.

Thanks for posting the pics, either way; we'll get the dendro guys from the Trivia forum to debate whether they're Morus alba or rubrum.
treeseer, you got me all wrong man, just because i said there is no mitigation for removal here doesnt mean im not open to opinion. i posted hear to receive opinion. these trees were leaning so bad i felt they were unclimbable so i got a hold of a bucket truck to do the job. the trees were also infested with english ivy and virginia creeper making it hard to cut - nothing fell just stayed inplace after the cut till i removed the vines.
the trees are gone now anyway. i removed 3 trees and pruned a 4th by clearing some pecan limbs off the neighbors roof. i also began some english ivy removal from this pecan as it was being infested. i have the pics and now someone give me a quick lesson on how to attach them please. never posted a pic here before.
i have the pics and now someone give me a quick lesson on how to attach them please. never posted a pic here before.[/QUOTE]

go to the microsoft site,punch in "image resizer" in the search part.download,make your pictures a medium that you want to post.hit add attachment button under your post,pic your picture then hit the upload button,once that is done close the browse part and submit your post.