What Would You Bid These Two Trees At?

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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 11, 2021
Reaction score
North of the Equator
For just tree removal, I wanted to see what you guys bid trees like these at. Attached are photos of Maple 1 and Maple 2. Maple 1 is about 14" in diameter and is in the front yard. Maple 2 is in the backyard, and is about 28" in DBH.
I already bid the job with what I'd be comfortable with, but was curious to see how many man hours each tree would take your operation, and what you'd charge. I figured it would get a good discussion going.
The specs are for bringing the tree safely to the ground (which would require climbing or a lift), and hauling all branches and wood away for disposal. No stump grinding included in this price.
Thanks for your time.


  • Maple1.png
    1.2 MB · Views: 6
  • Maple2.png
    1.7 MB · Views: 5
I understand a man has to make a living, but seems a tad high.
There's lots of tree service companies in the area, and I usually suggest customers get multiple quotes so that they know what they are getting into. I'm usually (but not always) cheaper than the legitimate, fully insured competition. Perhaps this job was priced a little on the high side. It's hard to tell in the photo, but there are some decent sized limbs hanging over the house on the backyard tree that would need to be rigged.
That is always a good idea to suggest a second quote.

I just draw reference to two huge trees I needed craned out from my back yard. I was charged 1500 each just last year. Maybe they under bid it.
I’m just going to stay away!!!! From money talk that is because I haven’t seen in person. None of us can really say a price without a video of everything around it or in person. Either way this is very interesting. You can bid via pics but I hate it. Where is the sewer/septic? Any lawn sprinklers? How’s access for removing of brush/wood? I see the pics but big gate little gate? So with the 4200 plus the 2800 is 7000$? So you’re telling me this is your 100 an hr rate so you plan to take 70 hrs total on those two trees? Or 35 hrs total for two people? If this is the case please quit now with all do respect. I’m just trying to see if I’ve read your post correctly. Me and my one ground (woman) yes my ground crew is all women that would be a good nice easy paced day at work. 8-10 hrs would be my guess.
I understand there is a balance of overhead and equipment cost but it seems like you are charging more than a fully equipped crew because you don't have a chipper/truck, skid steer, crane, etc, so it is going to take much more time?

Or maybe it just looks far worse in person. Since you are 2-3x any other estimates from here.
I understand there is a balance of overhead and equipment cost but it seems like you are charging more than a fully equipped crew because you don't have a chipper/truck, skid steer, crane, etc, so it is going to take much more time?

Or maybe it just looks far worse in person. Since you are 2-3x any other estimates from here.
I see this so often in my area just because you’re not efficient does not mean you can pass the cost onto the customer. Also just because I can pull up to that tree in the front yard and chip it whole doesn’t mean it’s only 150$ either just because it disappears in 25 min. I mean yeah sure you can but at those prices you should have everything you need and then some. If you’re getting those rates then the original poster should be able to afford anything they want lol. Business is business but ****ing someone over is just that also! Stay safe all
I think the tree in the back is bigger than it looks from the pic now as I see it closer.

An efficient tree crew with the right equipment should be able to get the job done in one day. The front tree looks like it would go fairly quickly since it has a big drop done and easy access.