whats a good way to get into logging/firewood cutting part time?

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Apr 26, 2008
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i been thinking about it for a long time, i think its something id like to do. i do work a full time job so maybe just a friday and weekend thing to start. any ideas on how i would get started in something? thanks, Mike
I never did firewood/logging untill I bought my OWB. Now its all I do. So buy a OWB and you WILL be a logger or just cold:bang:
I had a plan to do this very thing ......

A local logger that I know was going to let me operate one of his skidders to start and his other equipment as time went on. I would be working for free, but I wanted to do this because I like operating equipment and it puts me close to the firewood.

We had planned to start this arrangement when the summer cutting commenced, but the local sawmill is not taking in anymore wood due to the slow economy. When he starts getting contracts again the deal will be back on, but until then it's a no-go. :cry:
A good start would be to get this book...
Professional Timber Falling - A Procedural Approach

Get this DVD...
Stihl "Chain Saw Safety, Operation & Maintenance"

Get a hard hat like this...

Chaps like these...

"Calk" boots line these...

Then learn all about logging safety here...
(Click on "Manual Operations" at bottom, then click on links and different parts of image.)
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My first thought would be..

Do you have access to wood? Free wood.. You won't make much money selling wood that you had to pay for .
I just cut firewood for my own home, so probably not nearly as experienced as many on the site, however these are my thoughts:

Your 372XP is in my opinion a perfect firewood saw, so that is a good start.

From what I know about your truck, it would be two loads to the cord, which is very inefficient in this high fuel price economy. Also, doesn't sound like the truck has been fitted to be a dump truck, which means that you would have to unload by hand. Very time consuming and tiring.

I assume your 16 Ton splitter has approximately a 15 second cycle time, which also increases the amount of time it would take to process a cord.

I also agree 100% with ericjeeper that you don't want to pay much if anything for your wood.

Just my thoughts, but I would not even contemplate getting into the firewood business with the thought of making any money unless I had a truck that could hold a full cord and that had a dump feature, and also had a splitter that had a 10 second or less cycle time.

Good luck with your venture.
Make a buisenessplan


First find out your local firewoodprices. (seasoned and delivered)

Make a list of all the costs per cord when you do it and how
much time it takes.

sawing, splitting, loading, transporting, sharpening, repairing, ...., gas, diesel,......

How does you longtimegirlfriend think about?

Cheers Vincent:givebeer: