The more I read, the more positives I read on the Shiny 802. It's in it's thrid year of production and is said to be bullet proof. I also understand the they're undertuned from the factory, and have a restrictive muffler that's easily modded, that gets it closer to is peak performance RPMs.
The Redmax 8001 was reguarded by many as the best. Many are trying to say that the 8050 has all these restrictive EPA changes, and that's simply not true. All I can figure is that they're conpairing well worn in 8001s to unbroken in 8050s. The blowers are the same.
The Echo 770 has great specs, but many say they are exaggerated and are no stronger than the competition.
I'm heavily leaning at this point towards the 8050 or 802. I can buy the 802 at my Stihl dealer, but have no where to look at the 8050. Not a big deal, but would like to check one out first.