There’s no taking away from the vast amount of experience RBTree’s accrued over the years. RB’s clearly in control in all of his pics I’ve seen him in. He’s in charge of managing the biggest trees on the continent for his clients – and he apparently doesn’t skip a beat in his management of them. That comes from the confidence of a couple decades of often working some 100’ or more higher than the average arborist.
But that “between” takedown I have to think is on the far edge of his margin of safety. It’s all statistics in tree climbing – minimizing risk, while maximizing efficiency, and I think RBTree in this case went to the extreme side and maximized efficiency, while sacrificing some safety. It seems the job had to be an exception for RBTree, especially since he wasn’t in control of the saw taking it, and because in the long haul, multiple risks like this would almost surely end up catastrophically, even for someone as skilled and capable as he is. Yet RBTree is still around and still in business, so I chalk this absolutely spectacular job as a statistical outlier, a rare success that I’m wondering if he was praying over as that tree fell, and one that fortunately was caught on camera for us all to marvel at.