Which Way To climb???

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A.K.A Rotten Tree Limbs
. AS Supporting Member.
Apr 3, 2002
Reaction score
Amoungst My Saws........Fool That Has Too Many!!!
I pruned a 70 ft. Pin Oak this past weekend, my TIP was as high as possible. The climber that I was working with is a good friend of mine. He pointed out that I should climb out horizontal branches ( the type that have a slight uphill angle to them ) on top/forward more so than backwards. I have always leaned into my rope using it as a balancing point and worked my way out backwards. His way is to climb more as though you would when you were a kid climbing trees; rope slightly slacked, working your way out forward. He climbs this way all the time and gets around the tree as good as anyone that I've ever seen. He has pointed out that his way isn't always the way it can be done. Is this a matter of personal taste or is there a carved in stone way this should be done?

If I haven't provided enough info let me know.
Originally posted by Crispin Hoar
Rich Do you use a split tail system? When I climb out those type of limbs I either swing or climb with my split tail on either side of me so that I can use my rope for support.

Currently I'm using a Split tail with a 3 over 1 Swaybish. I will swing if the the tree works for me in that manner. Are you climbing out forward ( hope this makes sense ) with your climbing line at your hips?
Originally posted by rich hoffman
Is this a matter of personal taste or is there a carved in stone way this should be done?

Since every situation is different, I don't think there is any right or wrong way to access the tip of an upward angled branch. What ever works best or you are the most comfortable with. I scoot up and out sometimes like your buddy, try to keep my rope as tight as possible though. Like Crispin said, I sometimes swing out as far as possible or double crotch if convenient. If you had a high tip then you could hang underneath the branch and pull youself out to the end of it and use your lanyard to hold you out there positioned to work. I'm sure others have many other great ideas.

Or you could just get a running start and sprint up the lead, grab the first limb you come to with one hand and hold on long enough to swing a lanyard around it with your other hand. :p

Every climber will have differences in style and methods that works for HIM. I do many things in a similar manner as many other climbers, but when it's time for me to go out a lead I do it the way I am comfortable. Rich- observe and learn from other climbers, adopt methods that work for YOU. You may pick up one trick from one guy and something else from the next guy. But only YOU can incorporate all those tricks into your own style and methods. If something doesn't work for you, then don't use it. Maybe you might re-address that method at a later point. The secret is to keep trying different things when the situation presents itself.
do you walk down the street backwards?

walk out on those limbs like a man!

none of that backwards crap or bellying out on limbs.

ooops i forgot. i spike to get out there.

Even if it takes you 15 years to start:p

Yah Ken, if your that good on gaffs, you would be amazed what you can do with an advanced climbing system. One of these days Tom or I will be in your neighborhood and help you see the light.
I go out on a limb in whichever way is comfortable based on each situation. Every tree has different ways of being done and no tree is the same. So to say that there is only one way to do it is crazy to me.Sometimes I will be under the limb others on top some times forward and others backwards. Whatever it takes to get out there "Just do it" as long as you do it safely ( other times just like the other guy said "get a running start and pray you get to where you want to be" LOL

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