I, for the first time ever, had my out rigger come off the ground yesterday about a inch. I felt it. I was flat off the right side, fully extended and moving real slow and smooth. Had the boy look at the left side and watch as I continued, I look back and seen him turn white as a ghost and look up at me with dish sized eyes. It did not feel good, so I didnt press my luck. I checked everything, set up was solid, but ground was wet. So I laid plywood under the pads to make sure I didnt dig in. The only thing I can think of is it slipped on the wet wood as I moved, with the weight all on one side and maxed out. Truck was empty and had no chipper on it. Son said it "hopped" when it did it. Just a little, but when maxed out, it felt like a foot. Truck was level, all tires on ground and I had good pressure on the outriggers. Was watching right side outrigger for any type of collapsing, nothing. Somewhat perplexed