For a small biz I've amassed a ton of equipment. I find I can increase productivity by mobilizing outside of prime working hours and conditions.
SK800 with BMG knock around grapple and forks. Quick and powerful lift capacity compared to many other small compact equipment options. easy quick access to the operator platform to make cuts and tend to the chipper as I'm often working alone. Easy to mobilize.
Wacker WL37 with forks. Fast travel speed, gentle on turf, amazing lift capacity to weight ratio. I'd like to get a grapple for it. It's an Articulating loader so can be a bit hairy on uneven terrain. Yes, I've rolled it. With Articulating loaders you can find yourself in a position that is hard to get out of without dumping your load in tight spaces. Skid steers and tractors are better for this as well as grading.
ASV RC30 with forks Its faster than the SK800 and a better grading machine but I "feel" the SK800 lifts more. The typical trapped in cab feeling of a skid steer.
Kubota L6060 tractor. Great travel speed and stability on rough terrain, Great on the turf, so so lift capacity for its size. This rarely goes out to get logs after purchasing the Wacker. I had a power rotate grapple and grapple bucket but sold both as I didn't like either. I'd like to revisit a knock around grapple or power rotate grapple. I've made a skid steer adapter for the 3pt hitch so I could run the grapple on the front or rear.
Several full size tired and tracked skid steers. Horrible for turf damage. I just picked up a JCB 270T to get away from the cab access problem. Same as Kubota, I 'd like to revisit a knock around grapple or power rotate grapple on the JCB.
I have a 3 ton excavator and it's definitely not a brush forwarding machine but can stack brush in a trailer or stuff brush into the chipper fast.
I continue to be intrigued with the G1200 and where it would shine within the fleet.