Why do we do what we do??

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Today was just one of them days where the ********* were in rare form. The job site super wanted me to test drill the water and sewer lines for this new project so when I bring in the rock saw we have an idea how much rock is there, no big deal, I had a couple retention ponds drilled and ready to shoot. So I asked if he has locates done for the gas, and power, I don't want to punch a hole in a line, IT'LL SUCK!! He says "no I don't think there's anything out here." 200' away is a compressor station for a high pressure 10" gas main. I know it crosses the property, it has no other way to go. On the other side of that is the sewer and water mains we are supposed to tie into. I said if we don't hve locates I can't drill that direction, too much risk, I hit that line and it's gonna ruin my day. He freaks out and argues that we have to, it's imperative that we have this info. I just walked away, it was a no win for me. He didn't get it, but I did see the locators show up this evening, so I guess I got my way. Lol
yesterday, pencil jockey brought me a print with all sorts of tight tollerences and lots of cross holes that have to line up with slots.... wanted me to make them on a manual mill... which given enough time, and some proper tooling, I could do, but we don't have the proper tooling so I told him no... he got but hurt and insisted it could be done... the regular boss was in today, the job was sent out shortly there after to a shop with the proper tooling.
I've got awhile yet before I retire. I think if I tried to retire now my oldest daughter would kill me. I would follow her around like a lost puppy
Retirement is good.

Yes and better when one has planned for it. A hint for you younger folks. Sock away a bit--doesn't have to be a big chunk, for retirement. You can still wander about in the woods when you choose to and if you have the skills, which I don't, do some work when you choose to. I like not having to go out and descend down a steep hill in the wind and rain because there is a problem.
But, that was preferable to sitting in a cubicle, day after day staring at a screen.
Agreed Slowp!! Like I said I'm not there yet, but I have a plan for when I get to retirement. It isn't as lucrative as my first plan which involved lotto tickets weekly, but it's still going to workout in the long run:confused:
Yes and better when one has planned for it. A hint for you younger folks. Sock away a bit--doesn't have to be a big chunk, for retirement. You can still wander about in the woods when you choose to and if you have the skills, which I don't, do some work when you choose to. I like not having to go out and descend down a steep hill in the wind and rain because there is a problem.
But, that was preferable to sitting in a cubicle, day after day staring at a screen.

Yup. Logging is a lot more fun when you can say NO to some of the phone calls you get.
I've got awhile yet before I retire. I think if I tried to retire now my oldest daughter would kill me. I would follow her around like a lost puppy
Actually I find myself quite busy. I have a lot more time to do things that I enjoy. My son and I built a nice 12'X16' work shop where I can keep and work on "some" of my saws. Why 12 X 16? Kept it under the 200 sq ft the county wants you to get a building permit for. Was not about to give those scissorbills any money.
So I am coming to the conclusion that I'm nuts. We have gotten really busy the last couple weeks. I've been out of town on a project and Thursday we picked up another 15000 yards of rock to drill and shoot by the first of December. I'm the lead driller and the boss told me he was thinking about letting one of the newer guys drill it. I got kinda pissed. It's good rock, 50' deep holes, kinda fun to me. Anyway, I said I'd drill out of town Monday - Wednesday. Then drill the 15000 yards friday- Monday and get it done. I am being super competitive about this for some reason. Drilling is something I love and I hate the thought of someone else coming into my "turf".
It will be good extra $$ for Christmas for my girls too.