Why In Spanish?

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yup. my guys all have DVD's, books, and tapes to better themselves in the English language, even if they know and understand every question their superiors ask them except a few who have spanish speaking superiors. I watch these guys learn our language. They want to learn the Ameican language and continue to educate themselves in achieving fluency. The TCIA, ISA, Bandit Industries, Vermeer, etc do not expect us to learn spanish, but it helps if we do and is safer that way. That is the bottomline and the answer to your questions LXT.

You do not have to learn spanish, nobody is forcing you to. However, when the time comes that you need a good helper and the only guys visting your office willing and ready to work you may be a diservice to yourself if you do not know atleast some spanish. You can never have too much knowledge.

If If run out of Mexican help and Asians start wanting to work Ill be learning Chinese. haha j/k
shame people like you r way to common in the US. when it comes down to it the #1 goal in biz is to increase profits. they will and are selling our country to anyone with a dollar and have no care of the long term affects these company's named above are no different!! i think America is stuck on one day at a time crap. we need to look at the bigger picture and give us hard working Americans and our children a good future!!!we need a revolution not a union!!!stop trying to make a dollar out of 10cents. if you r willing to hire no speekety englass u r not helping american money keep its value.
yup. my guys all have DVD's, books, and tapes to better themselves in the English language, even if they know and understand every question their superiors ask them except a few who have spanish speaking superiors. I watch these guys learn our language. They want to learn the Ameican language and continue to educate themselves in achieving fluency. The TCIA, ISA, Bandit Industries, Vermeer, etc do not expect us to learn spanish, but it helps if we do and is safer that way. That is the bottomline and the answer to your questions LXT.

You do not have to learn spanish, nobody is forcing you to. However, when the time comes that you need a good helper and the only guys visting your office willing and ready to work you may be a diservice to yourself if you do not know atleast some spanish. You can never have too much knowledge.

If If run out of Mexican help and Asians start wanting to work Ill be learning Chinese. haha j/k

Chinese would be a very good idea. Considering the Chinese own 52%+ of American Treasury Bills, they may start demanding Chinese become an official language.

It's interesting that the ISA doesn't have it's literature in French, considering it is an official language in a jurisdiction the ISA services.
wow this is a goooood thread.

any of you guys ever been to lawrence mass? from the way it was (of course i wasnt around then but the stories i've heard about it) and the way it is now is pretty gross.

back then when you floated in on your boat you made an effort to better you and your family from the get go. you took pride in your neighborhood and looked out for one another. sure where you lived might not be the ritz but people made the most of what they had and didnt really ask for anything but a chance.

now when "they" show up they think they are entitled to something for nothing. as much as i hate to reference the poem but WLL's poetry is almost right on.

again i say look to lawrence. they just built a multimillion dollar school (supposedly the best school built in recent memory) that i can garauntee will be a dump in a fews years if not a couple.

now heres the Q. am i racist? no. but i do love a good sterotype and how do we end up with a sterotype? by people continuing to meet those standards. time and time again.

someone else said something about pay. how you gonna get a white kid outta bed for 10$anhr? the same kid who can sit and play PS3 allday and eat all he wants for nothing at home knowing damn well he can ask his mom for beer and weed money and get it. i know that little prick isnt worth 5 bucks an hour but what you gonna do?
thats the question.

and from what i am hearing from the higher up at work some of the homeowners are actually asking who is going to be showing up to do the work. they want to know if a pickup full of can's are going to show up to do the work or a will a couple of "americans" be there. i guess that might be the new way to push your company. "when you contract me to work for you , i will be bringing the white guys!" lol

for real though, how are we going to remedy this situation?

i have no problem with instant deportation because i am thinking that it would be cheaper to fly em back to wherever they came from than putting them on the system's back like so many many idiots want to.

and this may seem harsh but the guns every few yards pointing into mexico and Canada might be a safe bet and a whole lot more cost effective. from what i understand bullets are pretty cheap.

well compared to the 101 work days a year that i have to give to uncle sam.

you believe that? 101 days a year you dont get to call your own? ouch. that sucks.


Looked at a map lately, xxxxx, you haven't xxxxx
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wow this is a goooood thread.

any of you guys ever been to lawrence mass? from the way it was (of course i wasnt around then but the stories i've heard about it) and the way it is now is pretty gross.

back then when you floated in on your boat you made an effort to better you and your family from the get go. you took pride in your neighborhood and looked out for one another. sure where you lived might not be the ritz but people made the most of what they had and didnt really ask for anything but a chance.

now when "they" show up they think they are entitled to something for nothing. as much as i hate to reference the poem but WLL's poetry is almost right on.

again i say look to lawrence. they just built a multimillion dollar school (supposedly the best school built in recent memory) that i can garauntee will be a dump in a fews years if not a couple.

now heres the Q. am i racist? no. but i do love a good sterotype and how do we end up with a sterotype? by people continuing to meet those standards. time and time again.

someone else said something about pay. how you gonna get a white kid outta bed for 10$anhr? the same kid who can sit and play PS3 allday and eat all he wants for nothing at home knowing damn well he can ask his mom for beer and weed money and get it. i know that little prick isnt worth 5 bucks an hour but what you gonna do?
thats the question.

and from what i am hearing from the higher up at work some of the homeowners are actually asking who is going to be showing up to do the work. they want to know if a pickup full of can's are going to show up to do the work or a will a couple of "americans" be there. i guess that might be the new way to push your company. "when you contract me to work for you , i will be bringing the white guys!" lol

for real though, how are we going to remedy this situation?

i have no problem with instant deportation because i am thinking that it would be cheaper to fly em back to wherever they came from than putting them on the system's back like so many many idiots want to.

and this may seem harsh but the guns every few yards pointing into mexico and Canada might be a safe bet and a whole lot more cost effective. from what i understand bullets are pretty cheap.

well compared to the 101 work days a year that i have to give to uncle sam.

you believe that? 101 days a year you dont get to call your own? ouch. that sucks.

Canada!!!! iv never even seen one here , they r good people and not problem for U.S.A. Americans in south amreeka are looked at like food and are often killed!! i say treat em here like they treat us there!!!
Canadian Illegals work for less

wow this is a goooood thread.

and this may seem harsh but the guns every few yards pointing into mexico and Canada might be a safe bet and a whole lot more cost effective. from what i understand bullets are pretty cheap.


Since you bring Canada into the Equation I'll comment some...

I would think Canadians might just stay home and earn more, which is generally what happens in Canada, much higher wages then the USA for standard jobs. More unions and a socialist approach to governance see to that. The UN lists standard of living formulas which puts the average Canadian better off then the average American. Rich Americans live better then rich Canadians.

I'm Canadian however, my father is a dual citizen and lives in Washington. I also happen to have done post secondarily education in Washington State and I married a Texan.

When I was in Washginton doing my education in the mid 90's the going concern was the fruit pickers. On a somewhat humerus note, the orchard owners used to get peeved by local kids driving by and yelling "immigration," which would send them running.

One of the courses I did was American pluralism, which looked at immigration and minority groups. One of the few things I remember from that course was learning America has at times in its history encouraged and welcomed Mexican immigration. The problem as I see it is when large minority groups hit a certain mass they have no incentive to acclimate into their adoptive mainstream society.

in so far as unions they are the better by far of two evils, the other being corporate greed and those who drive that bus.

Interestingly, as their is such a labour shortage here the Mexican president when he last met our prime minister, suggested we open our borders to Mexican immigration. Seems to be happening, I was at a construction site [in my very white town] here and Spanish was the language well tanned was the colour by the hundreds.

I heard from a friend who works for the large company that they are actually all American on work visa's. Looks like the Americans are going drive down our wages...
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oh wetcoast i was only being fair. if you have guns on one border people are going to want the other side covered as well. believe me man i like Canada. alot. i spent 1 full year of my life up there. if i had to face a gun towards Canada i'd leave it empty.

jeez you are sensitive. would this bother you? Canada will become part of the USA when you get absorbed by us when we need some of your food and water. (you have alot of that of that good stuff)

heres the idea. we take it all, leaving you Nunavit. which those in Canada who hate Americans will flock to and call it Old Canada.

i like that idea. it'll probably happen in the next 50-100 years.

i'm kidding but just to let you know about the guns facing your land that was just to keep up the appearence that we are protecting both of our borders.


sweet comeback bro, I neg repd 'em for calling you a moron.
Ok, I dont want this to be a bash on immigrants or anything, BUT..... Im reading this months TCIA Mag & have noticed in past Mag`s along with ISA publications that it would seem they want you to learn spanish!!

their training materials are in spanish & they make a big whoop dee doo about new materials coming out in spanish!!!! So heres my problem!!

Whats sad is Both entities have talked about illegal immigration reform, But both pander to make them comfortable in our work place....can you say membership dues?


Turns out that this is becoming a bash on immigrants.

I believe that TCIA & ISA are not interested in YOU learning Spanish for they print materials also in English. I believe you may have more of an answer with your comment on membership. Perhaps they have taken a look at the group that they are trying to serve and realize that they would be better serving their membership if materials were both in English and Spanish.
My 2 cents towards this out of control forum.

Mexicans, Guatamalans, Cubans, Chinese, where ever the hell you ar they are from: illegal, citizen, work visa, and all statuses in between. This is the USA, land of opportunity, home of the brave, the greatest country to live in, work in, or be associated with. We are currently the world power of the planet. Every country has their own list of problems. The USA is just too attractive to ALL!! immigrants. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Living and working elsewhere sucks balls if coming here means a better life for me and my family you bet your ass I'm swimming, paddling, and climbing my way in legal or not.

As far as what the government is or can actually do about this problem is little or nothing. For every one that's deported a dozen more are coming in and he'll be plotting his way back even before he's left the country. There is no feasable solution to stopping or slowing the influx of spanish speaking immigrants, it is only going to get worse, and the only thing we can really do is suck it up and deal with it. #####, moan, and gripe all you want we are still stuck with them.

TO EACH HIS OWN!!!! Hire em or don't hire em. Learn spanish or hand out spanish/english dictionarys. Do whatever you feel is justified by your own opinion. Work every day. Go home tired. Kiss your wife goodnight, and do it again tomorrow. The guy next to you is just trying to do the same.
Ok, I don't want to hear anyone bash immigrants any longer here.
Illegal Immigration is a problem. Why? Because it is illegal. If you want to have a discussion of how to make it better. Great. If it gets into bashing the mods will have no alternative than to give infractions out. Throwing out racist names does nobody any good. It doesn't make you a bigger man, it only shows your ignorance. Please make this a constructive conversation. It is easily a hot debate. That is fine. Nothing personal or racist. Or you join the Suitcase Club and I send you packing!!!:chainsaw:
Im sorry bike store manager!! due to your grammar brilliance & spelling wizardry I will consult you in the future, maybe Ill borrow some of those training aides all the biz`s are using for our non-english speaking friends, which I dont beleive for a minute, most companies quibble over a .25cent hr raise but they`re(looky fastburp) going to purchase thousands worth of spanish to english training materials........yeah right!!

Ohh by the way fastdud, how do you spell cyclist? this is correct right? if so how about you take your own advice & re-spell it in your Bio. under interest`s LOL..........smart guy cant even spell in his own Bio page!!! touche.

I liked the post that said, If they cant build up their(right their?) own country what makes you think they can build up our`s?

tell ya what, you guys that like em, defend em, wanna work with em, FINE!! Move your Biz to where ever it is you hire them from!! If the debate is over Illegals & you certain biz owners only hire LEGAL`S, why so defensive? UNLESS......................they are Illegal!!

bump all the people, politicians, membership org.,etc... who want to have spanish put in place for the purpose of serving our southern counterparts, Im sick of the waste it produces!! everything you buy has twice the paperwork, instructions, safety procedures, warranty certificates, etc... all written in spanish........... the time spent on a phone trying to get a problem solved Im asked If I need a spanish speaker, Store entrance, exits & cashier lines have spanish right below english.....why? soon everything will carry a spanish label, how do you say wheaties in spanish?

sorry boys...........the financial burden is to great & Im not gonna bear it!! Send them BACK & do it now!!!


Dude, RELAX!!!...... I was just busting your balls because of the English reference and using the wrong their, or there or they're or whatever. I was joking, hence the little jester guy:jester: . I am sorry I didn't spell a word right in my profile. It seems pretty petty to go after that and poke fun at my past employment when you don't know me. I have been in the business working for someone else many years and took some time off when I was injured to manage a bike shop while I was recovering. Now I have my own business, am successful, just bought a new house and am too busy to update my profile. Sorry you are so touchy about your grammar! Just a joke man.
TO EACH HIS OWN!!!! Hire em or don't hire em. Learn spanish or hand out spanish/english dictionarys. Do whatever you feel is justified by your own opinion. Work every day. Go home tired. Kiss your wife goodnight, and do it again tomorrow. The guy next to you is just trying to do the same.

Fastbub, sorry!!! this topic just bums me out!! easy to get off track & mad, no offense taken & hope none given!!

3yrclimberark, you are WRONG my man Wrong, why dont we just open up and let em all in!! I hear the "we had immigrants in this country in the past" Yes we did!! they came to build a nation!! not detroy it!!

If all latinos came here for opportunity what would become of their homeland, I dont go there to work!! that country will be nothing but a maunufacturers dream build, a dump site, a non regulated place for what ever doesnt muster USA approval!!

I think about both sides, that countries market & ours!! The problem is too many people like yourself think what is happening is ok!! in todays global market if you have to come to the USA to make it somethings wrong!! MFGS are swarming south of the border in droves, kodak, hershey, masterlock & many more....... with all this opportunity why are they still coming here? why dont they wanna work at home in a nice new plant? answer that & you will see what big biz is really about!!! SPEAK ENGLISH!!!

OK, Look the thread topic is why in spanish? Why do we as Americans need, should learn it? If I have to be Bi-lingual to accomadate someone what need/want will there be for them to learn English?

From a biz standpoint I understand hiring them is good biz, cheap labor more profit BUT..... this race to the bottom is gonna have a long term affect that we are not going to be able to come back from, If your mindset is it will only affect a certain wage group your`re dead wrong!! this practice will find its way going up the ladder too.

I dont understand if american businesses are setting up in other countries & providing a liveable? wage, why do they still need/want to come here?

OK, Look the thread topic is why in spanish? Why do we as Americans need, should learn it? If I have to be Bi-lingual to accomadate someone what need/want will there be for them to learn English?

From a biz standpoint I understand hiring them is good biz, cheap labor more profit BUT..... this race to the bottom is gonna have a long term affect that we are not going to be able to come back from, If your mindset is it will only affect a certain wage group your`re dead wrong!! this practice will find its way going up the ladder too.

I dont understand if american businesses are setting up in other countries & providing a liveable? wage, why do they still need/want to come here?

That is easy free health care,and no tax :rolleyes: