Why not a Monthly Magazine about Chainsaws?

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ArboristSite Guru
Apr 19, 2003
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NW Wisconsin
The other day the neighbor kid was selling magazine subscriptions for school so I bought one. He had a catalog with just about every subject and catagory under the sun. Thinking aloud, I said: "What I'd like to find is a magazine about chainsaws" altho I was sure none exists and nothing was listed.

The kid thought that was really funny: "Ha, ha! He wants a magazine about chainsaws." Then he started making chainsaw noises like he was cutting up bodies like Ed Gein if Ed had had better equipment.

But that brings up the question. Why isn't there a monthly popular magazine about chainsaws?

The chainsaw industry is considerable and the user market fairly large. There is a need for objective model reviews and info about new technologies on the horizon. There is also the hotrod and collector aspects. Then you have your maintenance and all the various mysteries of how to properly sharpen a chain, various cutter styles, oils, etc. etc. Just look at the great amount of interest here. This Forum gets a LOT of traffic so the interest is there.

So how come ain't there a magazine devoted to chainsaws and chainsaw enthusiasts? Why are we left out?


Old Harleys, guns, and other stuff
I've thought the exact same thing. But my guess is that while there is a bunch of things to write about, there's not enough to sustain it. I know that in the genres of bowhunting or flyfishing (my two main hobbies) they get highly repetitive after a short time, and I stop reading them. It's the same articles warmed over a couple of months after you read it the first time. That said, if someone put one out, I'd certainly read it...until I read the article, "Stihl vs. Husky: Which Saw is Right for You?" for the tenth time. Maybe a quarterly publication?

Take care all,
If someone were to publish a magazine about chainsaws, I'd be in DEEP trouble, my house would be packed to the ceiling with them. but I'd still be interested in em. I'd love to see one that gives evaluations of the latest models of chainsaws for performance and such, and how they stack up against the current brands.
My wife and I used to subscribe to a gardening magazine, had some articles sometimes about growing heirloom tomatoes for me, and some about landscape design, flowers, etc.
They went belly up. As did pretty much all the others too. And, generally gardening is a wider-based area of interest than chainsaws.

Why did the garden market fail? Because magazines are very expensive to produce, making a slim margin on advertizing profits. There aren't that many advertizers willing to pony up the cash on a regular basis, and I doubt if subscribers would be willing to pay all the costs involved. Look at the Taunton publications model for a clue...slick, professional magazines with moderate ad space...subscription rates that amount to about $5 or $6 an issue...and Taunton is hanging on by a fingernail! Or maybe the Rodale press model...mostly ads, almost no content, because the writers are just recycling stuff from last year. Readership declines, advertizers don't see much bang for their buck, and the marque slowly fails.
I agree that monthly mags can become repetitive.

But since there is no "already done all that" stacks of old chainsaw mags already in existence it would take some time for that to happen. Probably several years in fact, and by that time it would have become established.

I just said monthly. Six issues a year with a Christmas Special Chainsaw Buyer's Guide would be good too.

Wouldn't it be cool to see all the various models and mfgs lined up with specs and pictures all in one reference work?

Good drooling material....

It could also include stuff about working in the woods, safety equipment, hand tools, milling, etc. etc. etc.

I think the field for such a publication is pretty large and completely untapped.

For example I don't have much interest in collecting old saws, but I'd LOVE to read articles about old saws and their place in history.....


Old Harleys, guns, and other stuff

Hello to all. On Mike's site there is reference to the "Chain Saw Age" magazine, with some articals from that magazine. Would be nice to see somethig like that revived. JMO. Lewis.
There was a magazine called called Chain Saw Age started In 1952, published monthly by Associated Publications, Inc. out of Portland Oregon, the Editor and publisher was a Lady by the name of Mrs Norma Raies, who in her own way was quite a character. The magazine was like the Bible to chainsaw shops and was always eagerly awaited each month. I beleive it evolved into the Power Equipment mag of today, I for one would like to see it comeback. I have 2 copies Sept & Nov. of 1980, I will try to post pics of the front covers. Dave
Chainsaw Magazine

Here are the Front covers of 2 Issues, Sept. & Nov. 1980, I will try and pick some interesting things and post them.
A chainsaw magazine

would be great. I wonder if an on-line magazine would work? I'm no expert, but I would think that having it on-line would be cheaper than printing & mailing. Perhaps a nominal subscription fee, & have a feature that lets the subscriber print the articles. Just a few thoughts.

Chris J.
Like Dave I have a few copy's of that mag as well , the old guys up north with the piles of saws has alot of copys of that mag. and most are in good shape, I hope I get the chance to buy then, I like reading about all the old saws and how thet worked
Knot Whole said:
would be great. I wonder if an on-line magazine would work? I'm no expert, but I would think that having it on-line would be cheaper than printing & mailing. Perhaps a nominal subscription fee, & have a feature that lets the subscriber print the articles. Just a few thoughts.

Chris J.
Online mags have their place, but sorry... it's just like online catalogs, if I can't sit on the throne and page through it, read it, dog-ear pages to hold where I left of etc, its just not the same. ;)
Would love to read about the days that are now considered far gone there must be enough to fill at least a couple of years, with old tech articles, comparisions, road tests, Woodchops and interviews with those names that shouldn't be forgotten.
Maybe Mike should have a rebirth of his magazine either in printed form or electronic or as a print out from the net then those who wish to read whilst relieving themselves would have a very enjoyable experiance.

woodshop said:
Online mags have their place, but sorry... it's just like online catalogs, if I can't sit on the throne and page through it, read it, dog-ear pages to hold where I left of etc, its just not the same. ;)
Get a wireless laptop...Rick/Saw ****

I no longer subscribe to any magazines, except for Power Equipment. I do everything else on the internet. I used to have pile of Popular Mechanics, Popular Science, Mother Earth News, Hot Rod, etc. After you read them, maybe a couple of times, what do you do with them? They don't burn well, aren't very good for cage liners, don't recycle well. Give me online, just find a notebook computer light enough for the john.
Like the others have said, probably be hard for a magazine to turn a profit going over the same Stihl vs Husky articles month after month. The internet has really changed the way we find out about things also. Now instead of waiting a month for an article about new saws or carb tuning techniques just google what you are looking for and there is is. Before the web, the only info around was mostly local, now I can get info from all the world in seconds.

P.S. nice pics Big Dave of the magazines, like the one with the big ticket. :)