When you guys make a two piece cylinder it for a hight compression ratio right??
And do you always split it at the top where the ring wont travel??
And Have you ever taken it out near the bottom? I see you cant shave the bottom because the clam shell design, but ever cut a section out below the intake port??
Sorry for all the questions guys just VERY interested.
And what do you do to seal it???
What kind of sealant do you guys use to seal the two halves back together?? I talked my nephew into keeping my little poulan and giving back my 026, so all I was able to do to it was a Muffler Mod. I gave it a smiley face mod, he liked it. I was just wondering about the sealant, looked black. RTV????
i used red RTV if i blow it apart again, it's going to get caterpillar joint compound #2 used it once and love it
is this thread ever going to die??
i think we should start a new one because it's not about the GTG anymore
I like it.
Are you going to make a new head?
so i findley had time to put the tame thing to some wood and i think i smoked the bore with my "port job" it revs nice and it sounds good but it feels like something holding it back am i going just have to step up to a bigger carb? i'm planing on puting a tuned pipe on it if it's not smoked..
Start a NEW one?
Heck! GTG season is just starting again!!!
Be a shame to lose all this great info......or have to repeat it again.
Hey, this isn't much about the WhiteTrash we all love to trash, but it is about something that we all like. It's called a GTG...:hmm3grin2orange:
I found this a couple days ago and when I SAW it, I thought, hey a GTG. Let's rock
i can see me in the back ground!!!
the owner of that plate is going to be pissed when they come out of the hardwhere store!!!