I know this subject has been covered many times in these forums but I am specifically interested in the actual rope I used. Here are my concerns:
The role it came off of said 100% nylon; 5/8"; 9,500lbs tensil strength; 950 Working Load.
1. Is all nylon the same. I mean I couldn't find anything on the role stating whether this rope is specified for climbing or not. I purchased two climbing lanyards several months ago and as far as I can tell that rope and the one pictured below is identical.
2. If this nylon is not good for climbing, where can i get purchase some without having to buy a 100ft at a time. There is a whole bunch of nylon on Ebay but it mainly says its for marine use.
note:I know the splices aren't exactly perfect but this was my first time :msp_smile:
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View attachment 222587
Will it kill you the answer is maybe!