Guido Salvage
Supreme Saw Whoreder
If that's a Fairbanks morse hit-and-miss engine on the back buy it just for that. I have a Fairbanks-morse model z 2 horse empire milking machine special. Worth around $400.[/QUOTE
Fairbanks Morse just made recoils no actual engines. Chances are it has an AH47 motor which was really common. I'm not real familiar with that type of saw. It may be rare but it's not $3500 to find out it's worth $75
As Aaron has pointed out, the above statement is not true. I helped move a 1947 (?) F-M 4 cylinder diesel engine that ran a refrigeration unit at a fish packing house down on the Chesapeake Bay. We ended up rebuilding it, if I am not mistaken the bore was 19". Somewhere I have a film picture of one of my friend's standing down in the cylinder. I bet each piston and rod was over 400 pounds. I think top speed on it is around 1200 RPM.