I joined arborist site a few weeks ago looking for info on this very subject. I have heated my house and hot water with a home made owb for about 15 years and heating the cloths dryer with it has been on my mind for a while. When i built my owb i had never seen or heard of them before (i thought i had come up with the next big thing. lol) so nothing was really done to be permanent because i wasn't sure how well it would work. So 15 years later i am in the final stages of a major overhaul and heating the cloths dry is something i have added. Basically i have ducted the air inlet for the dryer the same way the outlet is ducted. The air inlet duct runs up to an 8"x8" heat exchanger mounted to the wall above the dryer. And with some rewiring and changes to the controls i will be able to select the heat source. Either electric or the owb. I'm still a couple of week out from being able to test it my main focus right now is getting the heat back online as the owb is my only source and winter appears to be coming on fast.