Find another insurance agent. Its considered personal, limit the mileage, shouldn't be all that bad...
If I was to do it, it would be an older military M135 or similar...dump bed, all wheel drive.
It's the liability because of the nature of modern automobiles being so expensive even with just a minor tiny accident. You can get your state's minimum liability, the cheapest, but man, smack into someone's shiny ride and you might be on the hook for tens of thousands out of pocket, and that's just for vehicle damage.
You can insure anything of course, but if you don't have the income to justify it, which I don't, then it becomes a no-go situation. Most likely I will stick to 3/4 tons and under. I could *use* a larger truck, but it would cost me too much, my income is not that great.
All these guys with built up jacked up trucks way larger than stock, hot rodded engines, etc....they are gonna be in a world of financial hurt if they cause an accident, they could get denied coverage. And the adjusters look for stuff like that.
Lot of guys here make enough, an extra few hundred or five six hundred a year to have a truck with double or triple capacity over a regular pickup isn't that much, but to me it is. The funds simply don't exist, I am doing well to be able to hang onto a part time job,'s a part time job. It's better than what the docs told me,k wheelchair or walker...
I'd love a nice milsurp truck, but spendy.
I know this stuff was loads cheaper even just a few years ago, but when I checked last week I got sticker shocked and she laid it out for me, and I think most places will be similar. Above one ton, with a flatbed or dump, gonna cost loads more than a regular bed pickup, and if you get caught doing commercial work with what you claim is a personal use vehicle, well...gonna be interesting times ahead for sure.
If I had a business, with good paperwork and deductions plus the work and income to justify it, sure, but I can't quit this job and go do that right now, just costs too much to start a business today, anything that might work and make some coin. This might change for me in the future, but right now...regular pickups only.
Ya, I am bummed about it, but I ain't an idiot about it either, I was an insurance agent once, I know how picky they can get. Your premiums don't cover squat when it comes to claims, claims come from the funds they invest, premiums cover commissions and office paperwork BS. And driving around with just barebones minimum liability is just asking for it.
I also know in that dump trailer thread I was wrong, I was going by what I remember about prices some years ago, today..different story.