Mill 'em, nails be damned.
I built this in my shop.View attachment 244112View attachment 244113View attachment 244114:msp_w00t:
I built this in my shop.View attachment 244112View attachment 244113View attachment 244114:msp_w00t:
Alright fellas here are the pics some of you were asking for. Thanks to Hedgegrow for helping me figure out how to post pics. Geesh waht a pain. Anyway this is my grandpas splitter on loan to me indefinately. He told me I might as well keep it here where it will get used. Fine by me. It might not be the fastest splitter but it's way faster than splitting by hand. I don't have any specs on the pump or ram but i'v never even had it struggle to split something. I tried to see what max pressure was by putting a maple round in it against the grain but it crushed it before the gauge got past 4000lbs. I'm not sure the gauge is accurate. I would have thought it would take more than 2 tons to crush a maple round in half lol. The engine is off an old ThermoKing refridgerated trailer. It's a a horizontally opposed twin cylinder. Looks like half a VW engine. It's got enough power that I usually split with the engine idling. Running at higher rpm's just seems to push the ram a tad faster but seems to poweer through just the same. The thing is built like a tank. I'll never have to worry about damaging it but it's a little overkill for me. The tongue weight is around 150lbs and total weight, im guessing, somewhere around a half ton so i cant move it with the 3 wheeler or the lawn mower. My grandpa said he hired a local welder to build it for him in the late seventies. I'v been using it since i was a kid and with a little maintanence should last ling enough for my future children to use it.
Ive looked around thru the threads and couldt find one place for people to post pictures of their wood splitter set ups. if one exists already then point me to it. if not then lets make this the place and maybe down the road even a sticky. The splitters im refering to mostly are the home built or store bought and customized to work better for individual needs (add on log tables, 4 or 6 way wedges, log lift designs and build photos, etc). it be nice to have them all in one place
Hey Timber_Hitch, what size throat does that splitter have? Is it fast? Looks like a nice set up.
I picked this up for a song and dance. It was a commercail verital shake splitter at one time. The guy I bought it from put a new 5HP Baldor motor 230V and a new hydraulic cylinder on it. The fluid resavoir is in the big square tube. It really splits big knotty blocks like nothing and is quite fast. I just have to get the thing set up the way I want. Its to low the way it is. I may put is on wheels but will mainly be in one spot. The thing weights a alot ! Big, heavy, well made.
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Wow! Some really nice splitters here! Here is a picture of the one my dad and I made a few years back.
Looks a mess with all the hydraulic lines but once the cylinder goes up, they aren't a problem.
Wow thats nice, you should post up a video of it working... Great idea for the clamps around the cylinder....
Finally got the new splitter. Received it two days after Sandy came through our area. It has been busy.
View attachment 260895
Lou Braun