Excaliber I think this is a case of you get what you pay for. I had a Speeco kinetic. I didn't pay much for it as it was one that got recalled to replace the rack and pinion the shop changed the parts and TSC stopped selling them so the shop just had it setting around as TSC didn't want it back. I bought it put a jack shaft on it to slow the flywheels down , redesigned the pinion engaging system and it worked good for several years. It really shined splitting ash but we mostly split locust and hedge. A lot of our wood is big so a splitter with a log lift and tables works the best. The two guys that help me didn't like the kinetic it needed to be higher up log lift and table to keep the resplit pieces off the ground. The splitter we use the most is a homemade beam is waist high, log lift, lot of tables, four inch cylinder with three inch ram 28 Gpm two stage pump. That splitter will keep two to three guys busy. We do about 15 cord a year only for my own usage. I sold the Specco last winter as it had set in shed two years and no one had used it. If you think you really need a kinetic I would save up and buy a super split as they have been around. I think with elm and cotton wood you will have to watch when you split them with a kinetic to make it work smooth. Around here elm and cotton wood goes in the brush, burn pile as it doesn't make enough heat to keep my Garn happy.