Lt if advice
Swanny- I have an older LT15, free advice is to set your mill up on 6X6 cants, across the mill bed, like railroad ties are under the track. That way if you bump the mill a little with the loader, it doesn't fall off the blocks. You will gradually learn the art, some things that have helped are Bruce Hoadly's book, title escapes me now, but it has a lot of info. Also the site Woodweb is one of the best for general woodworking questions, and they have a free sawyer locating feature, which you can advertise on for free. Another great buy is the harbor freight hand held metal detector, for around $25, trust me, you will find metal. Another time saving discovery is that the cheap plug cutting drill bits that HF sells are the easiest way of removing the nails that the blade occasionally finds, you just take your rechargeable drill, drill around the nail or bullet, take a screwdriver and pop it right out . Oh, another discovery is that blue stained wood has metal in it somewhere, and if you smell something stinky when cutting a log, it, too has metal in it! In time you will learn other tricks of the trade, too, including black powder log splitting, and how to cut one board while edging another simultaneously! Keep learning, and don't saw your dogs off!