By "rigging" I mean lowering stuff, whether shock/dynamic loads or simply lowering a limb that you had positive angle / tension on before cutting, not rigging for lifting things (which is where I think pulleys are useful, although it's really the sole area I think they're useful!)
I always refer people to Reg Coates' video when trying to make the case for why blocks are inferior devices however I made a thread on Reddit and 3 of the 4 replies were advising me to use a block over rings!!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/sfwtrees/comments/deqdju/hoping_for_advice_on_how_to_choose_a_bullrope/ If anyone here is registered there (FWIW registration does *not* require email-confirmation you just create a name and post, great site has sub-forums for any topic imagineable, /r/SFWtrees is the most-populous arbor subreddit I think), it'd be greatly appreciated to have others join-in IF I'm not mistaken here....I've never rigged very-heavy stuff so can't speak definitively but from where I'm standing it's so obvious that rings are superior I mean if I were on-job and someone said "hey I've got the best DMM block, brand-new, want to use it instead-of your rings for this job?", I'd say no....nevermind that it'd cost $600 for that setup, whereas my anchor is $170 (I paid 130
), blocks are bad because:
- no friction up-top makes the load on the top anchor's tie-in-point much stronger (the Safebloc actually helps much more here, I also got one of those yesterday although it's just the bloc I've yet to choose a sling)
- they're more 'wearable' than rings, they've got moving parts and won't last forever whereas it's hard to imagine how to make a ring fail from any amount of routine-usage (in the Reddit thread I literally have someone arguing that blocks are more durable/resilient hardware than rings, my mind is blown..) I can't imagine my rings EVER needing replacement, whereas I'd NEVER get a block and presume I could shock-load that particular block and it'd last that way for my career w/o replacement!!
- their bend-radius' suck, both for the bull-line you're running-through it (DMM's biggest offering gives your line a measly 3" of bend-radius, if running 3/4" line through it that is one hell of a sharp-turn, whereas I just measured the bend-radius my 3-ringed X sling gives and it's over 6", more than doubling the DMM's bend-radius which is super critical for the bull-line's integrity when shock-loaded!! Furthermore, so far as the anchor-rope's integrity is concerned, the bend-radius for the top sheave/bollard in a block is even smaller than the wheel giving an incredibly tight bend-radius to your anchor-rope, in comparison to the rings where the bend-radius is as large as the ring's outer-diameter!
- they're heavier/more expensive,
- Additional 'Pro' Re friction is that while all the products in the X line add friction, the Safebloc can be used anywhere (top anchor, mid-line, basal anchor etc) on the line to add fixed-level, built-in friction, hell they say you can do up to medium-duty loads without a basal friction-device!!!
So yeah I wouldn't trade my 3-ringed X sling for the 4x as expensive DMM product (which IMO looks to be the highest-quality block on the market), well not unless I was going to flip the DMM block and buy more ringed-slings lol, but with 3-of-4 replies admonishing me to not use rings, but blocks instead, as primary anchors just blew my mind, would really like to verify my intuition that they're wrong so here I am hoping for "a 2nd opinion", are the rings really as superior as Reg Coates says, as August Hunicke says, as common-sense makes them appear? Thanks!!
(am really curious about the longevity of blocks, with a moving wheel and movable side-plates I guess I'd have thought they'd be replaced every few years, having someone boast of their longevity really threw me I'd love to hear if the pro's here are getting 2-3yrs, or more like 6-10yrs, from their blocks!)
I always refer people to Reg Coates' video when trying to make the case for why blocks are inferior devices however I made a thread on Reddit and 3 of the 4 replies were advising me to use a block over rings!!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/sfwtrees/comments/deqdju/hoping_for_advice_on_how_to_choose_a_bullrope/ If anyone here is registered there (FWIW registration does *not* require email-confirmation you just create a name and post, great site has sub-forums for any topic imagineable, /r/SFWtrees is the most-populous arbor subreddit I think), it'd be greatly appreciated to have others join-in IF I'm not mistaken here....I've never rigged very-heavy stuff so can't speak definitively but from where I'm standing it's so obvious that rings are superior I mean if I were on-job and someone said "hey I've got the best DMM block, brand-new, want to use it instead-of your rings for this job?", I'd say no....nevermind that it'd cost $600 for that setup, whereas my anchor is $170 (I paid 130
- no friction up-top makes the load on the top anchor's tie-in-point much stronger (the Safebloc actually helps much more here, I also got one of those yesterday although it's just the bloc I've yet to choose a sling)
- they're more 'wearable' than rings, they've got moving parts and won't last forever whereas it's hard to imagine how to make a ring fail from any amount of routine-usage (in the Reddit thread I literally have someone arguing that blocks are more durable/resilient hardware than rings, my mind is blown..) I can't imagine my rings EVER needing replacement, whereas I'd NEVER get a block and presume I could shock-load that particular block and it'd last that way for my career w/o replacement!!
- their bend-radius' suck, both for the bull-line you're running-through it (DMM's biggest offering gives your line a measly 3" of bend-radius, if running 3/4" line through it that is one hell of a sharp-turn, whereas I just measured the bend-radius my 3-ringed X sling gives and it's over 6", more than doubling the DMM's bend-radius which is super critical for the bull-line's integrity when shock-loaded!! Furthermore, so far as the anchor-rope's integrity is concerned, the bend-radius for the top sheave/bollard in a block is even smaller than the wheel giving an incredibly tight bend-radius to your anchor-rope, in comparison to the rings where the bend-radius is as large as the ring's outer-diameter!
- they're heavier/more expensive,
- Additional 'Pro' Re friction is that while all the products in the X line add friction, the Safebloc can be used anywhere (top anchor, mid-line, basal anchor etc) on the line to add fixed-level, built-in friction, hell they say you can do up to medium-duty loads without a basal friction-device!!!
So yeah I wouldn't trade my 3-ringed X sling for the 4x as expensive DMM product (which IMO looks to be the highest-quality block on the market), well not unless I was going to flip the DMM block and buy more ringed-slings lol, but with 3-of-4 replies admonishing me to not use rings, but blocks instead, as primary anchors just blew my mind, would really like to verify my intuition that they're wrong so here I am hoping for "a 2nd opinion", are the rings really as superior as Reg Coates says, as August Hunicke says, as common-sense makes them appear? Thanks!!
(am really curious about the longevity of blocks, with a moving wheel and movable side-plates I guess I'd have thought they'd be replaced every few years, having someone boast of their longevity really threw me I'd love to hear if the pro's here are getting 2-3yrs, or more like 6-10yrs, from their blocks!)