Would you arborists/climbers be willing to work in a public garden.

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Would you be willing to work in a public garden?

  • No way, uh uh.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Yes, but I would need the same amount I make now.

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Yes, and I would take a pay cut.

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Depends.

    Votes: 9 39.1%

  • Total voters


ArboristSite Member
Oct 22, 2003
Reaction score
Muncie, Indiana
As someone who will hopefully one day run a public garden/natural area I was wondering the above question. Many places (especially natural area gardens) are in dire need of climbers (to clear snags from along trails and such), but many do not have any. I think that this is a money problem mainly. That leads into my second part, would climbers be willing to take a pay cut to work in a public garden. I know Leon would, but what about yous others.
what is the need for the pay cut? does the local government that will control this park not have money? i mean there arent many perks you can trade up, free access to the public park?
Many parks are on very small budgets. Most climbers in the commercial arena make more money than most would be willing to pay. There are many parks not operated by the govt. whose budgets are very small. The only perk is that you would be working in a public garden and not for a comercial outfit. It may not be a perk to some, but it is to me.
Pro bono work? YES, I do that at times. Giving is a good thing. From a more "jaded"/egocentric perspective-Pro Bono work for a public recreation area can get some very nice PR press.
Work for a pay cut NO. I'm undercompensated already. Agreeing to work for less just undermines the professionalism we are working so hard to create and maintain. I know lots of people will scratch there heads at this but the difference is real. If someone donates a $1000 worth of expertise- that deserves (and gets) respect. Doing a $1000 worth of work for $300 just degrades the value placed upon my service.
If gardens schedule a nice lump of work, special bids can be made.

Also, the garden workers can often do the clean up.

I have volunteered for the Oregon Garden for one day.

Some gardens look for volunteers.

I don't mind volunteering, but I have a code of ethics - if you liked the work, you should be willing to put it on paper, if even but a thank-you.

That way, at least a reference is offered.
I've done vollenteer work, I usually require that the park "friends" group be present so that i have some networking oportunites when I'm there.
i voted no,if there not willing to pay they dont get the job done.no other occupation would cut there price in 3 "if they dont pay it stay"
If you want to paint a house-hot dogs and beer- Ill be there. If yoy want help moving- hotdog and beer ill be there. If you want treework done. I have to charge. Thats how I make my living.
Mmmmmm, I dunno. I've done treework for grog and meat, but I have amazing powers for consuming those particular enjoyments. You just might be better off paying me outright. ;)
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i swap mulch for meat(eucy mulch)i trimmed a cypress hedge just b4 christmas for him heres part payment ive still $500 meat/cash credit(crays not from him)
To butcher / quote Jerry McGuire... "Show me the lobster!"

Would I take a job for a public garden with little $... no.

If I was a contractor I would take the job to get the PR. Depending on the job of course.
Take a walk in the park...

For me, its a hobby so i must respect the wisdom of ones who do tree work for a living. But what about donating your services to said park for tax receipt/ write offs & maybe a sign along the trail stating who did the work. or something like that. This way the next time a potential customer asks you if your as good as you say you are, just tell them to go take a walk in the park!
aussie_lopa said:
i voted no,if there not willing to pay they dont get the job done.no other occupation would cut there price in 3 "if they dont pay it stay"

It's always good to read a post that has an even more cynical view of the world than mine :)

Have you ever heard of Doctor's Without Borders? How about the excavators that help out when it's flood time? They get paid to run Bobcats and backhoes but they are the experts.

Doing service work has always paid me back in multiples. It is an excellent way to network. In my experience the folks who are involved with these parks are generally very passionate. They associate with the park as "theirs" When I've done the work I've gotten plenty of pre-qualified referrals.

Even if I didn't make money from referrals doing service work is good for the soul. The practice of tithing isn't limited to religious groups. Giving back to the world is important. It makes the world better.

To each his own, but here in SoCal we have lots of people volunteer to do trail maintenance. Of the 6 person "cadre" who started our local TM unit, 1 was certified arborist-climber, one was USFS class b, and 2 of us were from landscape industry. My dentist and doctor buds and some of my construction friends volunteer their professional services from time to time, as well as doing trail work regularly. I do agree with the guy who said that too often public EXPECTS us to do free or even worse reduced fee work just because we aint yuppies--that sucks.
Tom Dunlap said:
Even if I didn't make money from referrals doing service work is good for the soul.

Amen to that. I have gotten more satisfaction doing jobs for milk and cookies than for money.

I currently work in public parks. I am a sub for a private company that does public contracts. It is great work. Lots of benefits. Sometimes it is nice to be a little less production oriented and more tree care oriented.

I have spent days running through 100 ft beech trees in public parks just inspecting them for defects. Like getting paid for rec climbing. ;)
community service

It is a writeoff for taxes, whether they pay or not, the price is the same. It's all in how it goes in the books for taxes at the end of the year. If you live in the area do you want your town or city to be a nicer place? Are you willing to help get there? The plus side (pay off) comes later with your town is a better place to live in, the trails are safer to walk. I have done trees for the town I live in and if I need something like help from the police for traffic control they'll be there to help(one of the towns ways of returning the favor). You live there, do you think you'd rather pay more taxes to pay someone else to do the work or would you donate your time and write it off?
Well said Tom, but unfortunately you're getting into what's become religion - money.

Like many compatriots who have gone private military, it's all about themselves, not the folks at home. Delegated by pay, answerable to no God but the company's bottom line. America the land of opportunity at any risk, even our own souls.

On the flip side we have some great highways, all govt. Then the trash along them depends on us alone. At least adopt a highway, but a greenway makes more sense. Why should we care about what our children are left with? It's all ours now.
oakwilt said:
Like many compatriots who have gone private military, it's all about themselves, not the folks at home. Delegated by pay, answerable to no God but the company's bottom line. America the land of opportunity at any risk, even our own souls.

Maybe the mods should set up an axe grinding forum.

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