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I will never understand the need to dog in a saw and lean on it.
Grew up running 242's and 254's, without even so much as a bumper, dogs just get in the way. But my background is pulpwood, and even firewood around here is very light on bark.
Dad was on a saw for pulpwood production from 1954-1998, one of his rules was, if you have to lean on it, it isn't sharp enough. I have a feeling I wouldn't be disappointed in these new generation saws, but I can't justy the price, especially when I have enough 2 series alone to last my lifetime and I don't make my living running them.

Stuff like this is why you need dawgs they allow you to sight, line up cuts as well as taking strain off the operator. That said the west coast dawgs on these saws suck for most anything other then young timber where the bark isn’t very thick.
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