Guys, i need re-assurance.

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Jun 17, 2009
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Whangarei, New Zealand

I recently picked up a '90 vintage 262XP on our equivalent of ebay for NZ$172.
At auction close, pre-delivery i thought i was the cats pajamas, but when it turned up i felt like i had swallowed a hair-ball because both front av case mounts were cracked off, one had even been stitched with fencing wire. But it did start, so i decided to persevere on my 262 'quest'.

Replacement cases were secured for NZ$100, and a few more ancillary parts collected for a grand running total of NZ$350.

Heres where it goes south tho'.

I wasn't able to split the cases effectively myself, so into the trusty local 'experts', Stihl exclusive dealers now but for many many years dual Stihl/Husky. A loose shop guess of around $400 more for seals, bearings, gaskets and labour etc has me thinking $750 and i'm still ahead if these things are all they are cracked up to be. (i wouldn't cut with it pre strip-down due to the cracked av mounts).

BUT.......i get the call its ready, finish my run of night-shifts, go in to pick it up and get a bill of $650!!!!!!!!!

Extras include carb kit, HT lead, cap, connector spring, every hose and the list goes on. Suffice to say the only new parts NOT in the saw are crank, piston, ring and cylinder barrel because they were mint on strip-down and it tested up at 150psi on 'the-pull-until-it-tops-out-method'. When questioned tech said "you'd already spent so much it would be a shame not to have everything at top condition"

A new MS361 is $1895 in the same shop that did the work, the new local Husky dealer sells 357XP for $1695.

So at $1000 NZD am i still better off ?????????, the saw starts quickly and easily, idles, runs, accelerates and cuts like a dream, but i feel more like cat S#** than cats pajamas about the whole process.

Your thoughts?


BUT.......i get the call its ready, finish my run of night-shifts, go in to pick it up and get a bill of $650!!!!!!!!!

Suffice to say the only new parts NOT in the saw are crank, piston, ring and cylinder barrel because they were mint on strip-down and it tested up at 150psi on 'the-pull-until-it-tops-out-method'.
Your thoughts?

You got hosed. The only parts that were expensive were not replaced. You were taken to the bank BAD!!!. Sorry dude. Probably the worst rip off on a saw ive seen to date.
Ya got ripped off.

Hang onto the saw untill ya get every last Kiwi dimes worth out of it.

Great saw and you'd likely be on cloud 9 right now if it weren't for the dealer hosing ya.

That sucks man!

Stay safe!

Well its hard to compare prices and expenses between different markets. Over here a 357xp is 150% the price of a ms361 for example. But considering that you got a strong running classic for half the price of a ms361 I still think that you did okay - not great but okay. And now you have the 262xp enjoy it instead of worrying about what the total cost was because that is not going to change - so you might as well enjoy a very enjoyable saw. . .
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Well its hard to compare prices and expenses between different markets. Over here a 357xp is 150% the price of a ms361 for example. But considering that you got a strong running classic for half the price of a ms361 I still think that you did okay - not great but okay. And now you have the 262xp enjoy it instead of worrying about what the total cost was because that is not going to change - so you might as well enjoy a very enjoyable saw. . .

I agree. Get your use out of it and you will feel alot better about it. You still have only half as much as you would have paid for a 361. Run that sucker and enjoy it. :chainsaw:
Parts are stupid money here. it costs ALOT more for a piston and barrel for a MS200 than it does for a whole saw in the US.

On the bright side you have a better saw than the 361. and it should last you a good long time. Its a great saw, one of the best EVER, you couldnt find better for the money on this side of the world. I have 4 of em and one complete spare and keep looking for more.

If your going to take a hit on rebuilding a saw, you made a great choice in what saw it was.
I guess its hard to understand the value of stuff there. Plus the exchange rate. Right offhand it looks like you didnt get a great deal. My first thought is did the ebay seller mislead you on the saws condition? If the AV mounts werent broke that would have saved you alot. Also do you work on your own saws? Labor prices end up hurting saw owners that arent able to fix their own stuff. Overall I would think you still saved money compared to buying new. I would like to know what shipping is to you and would it be worth it to send parts from here. :)
Well its hard to compare prices and expenses between different markets. Over here a 357xp is 150% the price of a ms361 for example. But considering that you got a strong running classic for half the price of a ms361 I still think that you did okay - not great but okay. And now you have the 262xp enjoy it instead of worrying about what the total cost was because that is not going to change - so you might as well enjoy a very enjoyable saw. . .

:agree2: Fits well with my thoughts, but they should have called him before that extra work was done.........
Id like to say, "well you didnt get hurt that bad, considering its a new saw now", but it aint. It is still a used jug, slug and crank. Maybe I dont get it, but 1,000.00 AUD = 907.604 USD....that is a BIG CHUNK for a 20 year old saw.
Id like to say, "well you didnt get hurt that bad, considering its a new saw now", but it aint. It is still a used jug, slug and crank. Maybe I dont get it, but 1,000.00 AUD = 907.604 USD....that is a BIG CHUNK for a 20 year old saw.

If ya gonna post be accurate, New Zealand is a country with it's own currency.
The NZ dollar is worth slightly less than the Australian Dollar at the moment.
OP Look if you can't do the work yourself you have to pay someone else to do it for you.
I would like to know the breakdown of Labour and parts, for that job.
I recently rebuilt my 262 and while I have a workshop I don't have a lot of the specialist tools that you are told you need, A piece of angle iron with holes drilled to the Bar stud pattern are enough to split the cases.
There are a lot of threads/post on here about homemade solutions to rebuilding saws.

Having said that You WILL be happy with the 262xp, it is unsurpassed as a 60cc firewood saw and looked after will do the next 20 years easily.
Id like to say, "well you didnt get hurt that bad, considering its a new saw now", but it aint. It is still a used jug, slug and crank. Maybe I dont get it, but 1,000.00 AUD = 907.604 USD....that is a BIG CHUNK for a 20 year old saw.

Except the NZ$ is roughly 20% less value than the Aussie (NZ$1=A$0.82, NZ$1=US$0.74)

There's been talk for years of financial union, but I think it'd disadvantage the Kiwi's too much re their ag exports, although give it another twenty years and they'll just be another state of Oz :biggrinbounce2:

We gave them the chance to be a part of the nation when it was being formed in the late eighteen hundreds and they knocked it back, but it'll happen one day, whether by stealth or force......

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and kiwioilboiler, I feel for you mate, ouch.
:agree2: Fits well with my thoughts, but they should have called him before that extra work was done.........

Exactly SawTroll. I'd be getting some money shaved off the repair bill. We use written estimates here in the States to make sure this kinda crap doesn't happen.
I agree that the bill was too high. Not to mention it was a nasty surprise. This being said, in 5 yrs, you'll have forgotten what the price break up was. You'll just have a really good saw that's seving you well. Enjoy it, you deserve to.
If......IFs and BUTs were candy and nuts.... probably paid more than what you thought you would when you first got the saw..............did ALL of the items NEED to be replaced?.....Did the dealer SEE you coming and see $$$$

If......IFs and BUTs were candy and would be Christmas time the whole year through.... We can say...If I would have known.....But that didn't need to be replaced.....

What is done is DONE!

Was this a saw that you NEEDED running ASAP? If it was you did the right thing..... If this was a fun project.....the FUN meter got reduced a lot if you include unplanned spent $$$.

ALL saw shops/dealers are in business to make money..... If they didn't make money they wouldn't be there. edit***** I do agree with others about the shop calling you before doing the extra items.*****

That being said.....I do ALL of my own labor and try to find parts as cheep as possible.... Some times the project sits until a part shows up.... Some times I have to do things more than once because I'm learning..... But once it's up and running.....the enjoyment meter hits the top!!! I can't say the fun meter was pegged the whole time.....

Enjoy the saw.....You got experience!


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I agree that the bill was too high. Not to mention it was a nasty surprise. This being said, in 5 yrs, you'll have forgotten what the price break up was. You'll just have a really good saw that's seving you well. Enjoy it, you deserve to.[/QUOTE

I agree with fatguy, you have a great saw now, enjoy it. :chainsaw:
For what it's worth, market exchange rates only tell an accurate story if you're using one country's currency to purchase another country's currency. What it doesn't tell you is how many eggs the OP could have purchased w/the money instead - and that will vary between countries. Purchasing power just isn't consistent between currencies. Heck - it's not even consistent within our own country, or a saw would be the same price everywhere.

The work should have been approved before they did it. And the ending price sounds a little tough. But it's a sunk cost, and you got a good saw out of it. Cut wood & enjoy!
