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I recently picked up a '90 vintage 262XP on our equivalent of ebay for NZ$172.
At auction close, pre-delivery i thought i was the cats pajamas, but when it turned up i felt like i had swallowed a hair-ball because both front av case mounts were cracked off, one had even been stitched with fencing wire. But it did start, so i decided to persevere on my 262 'quest'.
Replacement cases were secured for NZ$100, and a few more ancillary parts collected for a grand running total of NZ$350.
Heres where it goes south tho'.
I wasn't able to split the cases effectively myself, so into the trusty local 'experts', Stihl exclusive dealers now but for many many years dual Stihl/Husky. A loose shop guess of around $400 more for seals, bearings, gaskets and labour etc has me thinking $750 and i'm still ahead if these things are all they are cracked up to be. (i wouldn't cut with it pre strip-down due to the cracked av mounts).
BUT.......i get the call its ready, finish my run of night-shifts, go in to pick it up and get a bill of $650!!!!!!!!!
Extras include carb kit, HT lead, cap, connector spring, every hose and the list goes on. Suffice to say the only new parts NOT in the saw are crank, piston, ring and cylinder barrel because they were mint on strip-down and it tested up at 150psi on 'the-pull-until-it-tops-out-method'. When questioned tech said "you'd already spent so much it would be a shame not to have everything at top condition"
A new MS361 is $1895 in the same shop that did the work, the new local Husky dealer sells 357XP for $1695.
So at $1000 NZD am i still better off ?????????, the saw starts quickly and easily, idles, runs, accelerates and cuts like a dream, but i feel more like cat S#** than cats pajamas about the whole process.
Your thoughts?

I recently picked up a '90 vintage 262XP on our equivalent of ebay for NZ$172.
At auction close, pre-delivery i thought i was the cats pajamas, but when it turned up i felt like i had swallowed a hair-ball because both front av case mounts were cracked off, one had even been stitched with fencing wire. But it did start, so i decided to persevere on my 262 'quest'.
Replacement cases were secured for NZ$100, and a few more ancillary parts collected for a grand running total of NZ$350.
Heres where it goes south tho'.
I wasn't able to split the cases effectively myself, so into the trusty local 'experts', Stihl exclusive dealers now but for many many years dual Stihl/Husky. A loose shop guess of around $400 more for seals, bearings, gaskets and labour etc has me thinking $750 and i'm still ahead if these things are all they are cracked up to be. (i wouldn't cut with it pre strip-down due to the cracked av mounts).
BUT.......i get the call its ready, finish my run of night-shifts, go in to pick it up and get a bill of $650!!!!!!!!!
Extras include carb kit, HT lead, cap, connector spring, every hose and the list goes on. Suffice to say the only new parts NOT in the saw are crank, piston, ring and cylinder barrel because they were mint on strip-down and it tested up at 150psi on 'the-pull-until-it-tops-out-method'. When questioned tech said "you'd already spent so much it would be a shame not to have everything at top condition"
A new MS361 is $1895 in the same shop that did the work, the new local Husky dealer sells 357XP for $1695.
So at $1000 NZD am i still better off ?????????, the saw starts quickly and easily, idles, runs, accelerates and cuts like a dream, but i feel more like cat S#** than cats pajamas about the whole process.
Your thoughts?