I scored some saws today

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Hard worker
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
i went to a cuple of yard sales today and this is what i cam home with.i came home with 2 homelite xl's and a echo leaf blower and a weed eater. and i payed 40 dollars for all of them.i can't remeber the name of the weed eater but it don't matter about that.but the homelite xl's runs like a champ i need to find some chains for them but thats not a problem though LOL.but here are some pictures of the homelite xl's.




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and here is some more of the other one that i'm cleaning the rails up on the bar



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oh ok thanks Hobie i'll take them out and give them a claen or replace them
Nice haul for $40.00. Which model is the Echo blower?

I recently brought home a Craftsman blower that belonged to my Dad. I need to get some photos posted so that once I find who made it, I can give it a basic go-over (fuel & inpulse lines, filter, carb kit, etc).
You bought those, but could'nt pay the guy on Ebay 21 bucks for the saw you said HE stiffed YOU on?

Whats your deal bro? I thought you were "stand-up" ? :msp_confused:
You bought those, but could'nt pay the guy on Ebay 21 bucks for the saw you said HE stiffed YOU on?

Whats your deal bro? I thought you were "stand-up" ? :msp_confused:

Yes, I would like to know this also.

Exactly how were you planning on buying that 372 that you were going to send to someone ELSE to have ported and run in the work saw build off? $10 for the saw, and $10 for the port job????
You bought those, but could'nt pay the guy on Ebay 21 bucks for the saw you said HE stiffed YOU on?

Whats your deal bro? I thought you were "stand-up" ? :msp_confused:

Yes, I would like to know this also.

Exactly how were you planning on buying that 372 that you were going to send to someone ELSE to have ported and run in the work saw build off? $10 for the saw, and $10 for the port job????

My sentiments exactly. I was embarrassed for him as I read his posts in the buildoff thread.
I am just hoping he can and will go back and rescind the neg feed back he give the guy

I think we all hope so. But I doubt the little punk would even consider it.

I never knew what possesses a man to come onto a public forum and spread pure BS. I know I got sick of reading his post anyways. He was bugging the crap outta everyone in the buildoff thread.

I would feel sorry for anyone who would send him a 372 to grind on. :msp_ohmy:

I mean, he was wanting to get the saw from one guy, send it to another, and enter it in the build off. :hmm3grin2orange: Just blowing smoke up our arses. Just no call for that crap around here.
I have ALOT of junk 372 stuff around. Maybe I can build him a saw without one single useable part on it for $10. I wonder if Walkers would throw in a "port job" for $10?
I gotta confess after seeing the post about bringing a bunch of booze and the just stand back and watch what a hillbilly can do, it caused one hell of a visual. I did send a note to someone stating they better chain his azz to a tree or pin him down with a loader bucket because the last thing a guy needs is a drunk wild man running a saw that is about 100 times stronger than the wild thing he's used to running. Hell of a bunch of liability right there, hell he'd prolly be missing limbs after running some of the saws that will be there. lol
i sent him a message stating that anyone under the influence would be asked to leave.

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