Duke Thieroff
Fill your hands, you SOB!
I bought a MiniMac from Aaron (Eccentric) from what I thought was a good price and I did my research and it was a Lithuanian fake! Lithuanian!
Aaron is a cheat, a liar and a MiniMac faker of the Nth degree. Randy vouched for it, said it was a good runner. I had to tear the whole thing down just to replace the diaphragms in the carb!
What should I do here guys?
Should I call him on the carpet?
Should I talk to him in private?
Hey, seriously, all I wanted was one bas-ass good running saw in my collection, I forked over the dough and I get this fake MiniMac made in Lithuania! The only thing good they make there is sausages. WTF!
Aaron is a cheat, a liar and a MiniMac faker of the Nth degree. Randy vouched for it, said it was a good runner. I had to tear the whole thing down just to replace the diaphragms in the carb!
What should I do here guys?
Should I call him on the carpet?
Should I talk to him in private?
Hey, seriously, all I wanted was one bas-ass good running saw in my collection, I forked over the dough and I get this fake MiniMac made in Lithuania! The only thing good they make there is sausages. WTF!