Stiff Member
Whoa there shop monkey, grab a couple cans of bedliner for those rebadged 200Ts, we are going to 'Slinger them. Just just them a quick dunk and set them outside to drain.
Whoa there shop monkey, grab a couple cans of bedliner for those rebadged 200Ts, we are going to 'Slinger them. Just just them a quick dunk and set them outside to drain.
Whoa there shop monkey, grab a couple cans of bedliner for those rebadged 200Ts, we are going to 'Slinger them. Just just them a quick dunk and set them outside to drain.
Dammit, they got sent out hours ago!!
I'll call them and tell them to bring them back... or else!
Holy crap, they're back already...
all dunked and drying out...
Anything else these little rebadged thingys need before going out emperor?
Fuel lines, tune up, etc. have already been done...
I was all set to say "good job Monkey"...................until I noticed you were lying. NOBODY swaps out the fuel lines on a pallet load of mini-macs (Maxi-Macs) that fast....:jester:
I had a bunch of minions under me. They are extremely energetic and fast working, and they did the bulk of the work. Hell, they're so small that they crawl inside of the damn saws and work on them without me having to taking them apart!! Two of them, are known as Art Vandelay, and cjcocn...
These little midgets are handy...
Well that explains it. The only guy that can 'bend the truth' in this deal is me (well.....Randy too). Next time get my approval before subbing out work.:cool2:
Stay on top of all of the smokeshifter switches while you're at it, they had faulty parts inside the baffle tensioning device
I tried to tell Aaron that the inferior design and craftsmanship of the 200Ts would be spotted. He laughed it off told me that anyone that would buy a MiniMac wouldn't knew the difference.
Shopmonkey, the last beer was a bit too cold, WTF?
Three words my friend.
Jim Beam Black.
i'm going to have to be the DD for this one??
well alright get in the van. also can we please keep Mr. beam's empey bottles in side the van the CHP did't like his shattered windshield and no throwing them at the driver that last one hurt:msp_mad:
made me feel like your b##h getting donkey punched..
and do you remember what happened spanky's with the pool cue and the chainsaw???
I tried to tell Aaron that the inferior design and craftsmanship of the 200Ts would be spotted. He laughed it off told me that anyone that would buy a MiniMac wouldn't knew the difference.
Shopmonkey, the last beer was a bit too cold, WTF?