Fake MiniMac, thanks RandyMac and Eccentric

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No problem Chris,I know you guys are buddies,but a yellow sausage saw.........come on.

That's why I'm so mad man.

I think in Lithuania the saws marketed name is the "Kielbasa Kutter."

Soooo mad right now.

Aaron, you better get in here and we'll commence to settling this, if not Randy's getting "The Box."

Well, now you done did it there partner. Pics or it didn't happen. :)

Well, I thought either pinball machines, or maybe a bug spray can collection.


Welp, here ya go. :)

New rubber and flipper parts. Recoated playfield and a #### load of new bulbs. It was black from an electrical fire when I got it. Plays for a nickle.

I missed the other thread...............but I think I can catch up to this 'un OK....

I bought a MiniMac from Aaron (Eccentric) from what I thought was a good price and I did my research and it was a Lithuanian fake! Lithuanian!

Aaron is a cheat, a liar and a MiniMac faker of the Nth degree. Randy vouched for it, said it was a good runner. I had to tear the whole thing down just to replace the diaphragms in the carb!

What should I do here guys?

Should I call him on the carpet?

Should I talk to him in private?

Hey, seriously, all I wanted was one bas-ass good running saw in my collection, I forked over the dough and I get this fake MiniMac made in Lithuania! The only thing good they make there is sausages. WTF!



That guy from the nigerian royal family swore those were 100% A-1 authentic Muchulluch Pro Top-Handle Maxi-Mac Brute Force Ultimate chainsaws. No refunds, no exchanges Mr T....


Serves you right for buying one of Aaron's arm numbing paper weights!!!

Get yo-self a saw that does not vibrate:yoyo::yoyo::yoyo:

Still haven't seen the light eh Ross? Once you've outgrown those wonder woman underoos and are ready for a man's saw......well then you go right ahead and send me a PM!:D

Don't count that Lithuanian fake out just yet. After all it is probably better quality than a original, it most certainly could not be any worse.


Damn skippy. I did him a favor!:jester:

That's why I'm so mad man.

I think in Lithuania the saws marketed name is the "Kielbasa Kutter."

Soooo mad right now.

Aaron, you better get in here and we'll commence to settling this, if not Randy's getting "The Box."


Go ahead and send Randy "The Box". Better yet......................send it to Ross..................................:laugh:
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That guy from the nigerian royal family swore those were 100% A-1 authentic Muchulluch Pro Top-Handle Maxi-Mac Brute Force Ultimate chainsaws. No refunds, no exchanges Mr T....

Still haven't seen the light eh Ross? Once you've outgrown those wonder woman underoos and are ready for a man's saw......well then you go right ahead and send me a PM!:D

Damn skippy. I did him a favor!:jester:

Go ahead and send Randy "The Box". Better yet......................send it to Ross..................................:laugh:

Listen here, you weeblin'/wobblin' semi-retired, undesired, certified, bonafide, undenied, chunky, funky monkey...You sent me a FAKE MacCollifg. I like my McColic's to be the real deal only.

Aaron, I thought we were better friends than that, but obviously not.

You too Randy, you no good reason, top handle trigger squeezin, you ain't worth the shipping of "the box."

Anyone know Ross's address? I'll bet "The Genius" will be feeling swamped by intellect when he opens his care package.

What did you do to deserve a fake Mini Mac? Did you send him some Budweiser in a PBR can? Thats the only thing I can think of bad enough to get a fake Mini Mac:laugh:.
Lol, it's a fake Mini Mac... :D

Sweeping? Been there done that.

I have been quite busy with that stupid KT17 Kohler out of the 317... something inside the engine, having to do with the governor is broken. :bang: And they were too cheap to make it so you can replace the governor parts without tearing the entire engine down...

Still cleaning crud off of it and vacuuming up all of the grimy grease and grass dust crap.

How are things going for you, Duke of Theirry? (other than this fake Mini Mac incident)
Lol, it's a fake Mini Mac... :D

Sweeping? Been there done that.

I have been quite busy with that stupid KT17 Kohler out of the 317... something inside the engine, having to do with the governor is broken. :bang: And they were too cheap to make it so you can replace the governor parts without tearing the entire engine down...

Still cleaning crud off of it and vacuuming up all of the grimy grease and grass dust crap.

How are things going for you, Duke of Theirry? (other than this fake Mini Mac incident)

BTDT with the sweeping???? I don't think so scooter. There's still a buncha sweeping to do ShopMonkey! Now after you sweep the floor and empty the drain pans and trash cans...................I want you to unpallet that latest shipment of "genuine" Muchulluch Maxi-Mac saws and lable them for distribution to my victo.................I mean customers...:msp_sneaky:

Fetch me another birthday whiskey and grab a cigar for me first......
dammit it's hard to get good help these days....:msp_thumbdn:
BTDT with the sweeping???? I don't think so scooter. There's still a buncha sweeping to do ShopMonkey! Now after you sweep the floor and empty the drain pans and trash cans...................I want you to unpallet that latest shipment of "genuine" Muchulluch Maxi-Mac saws and lable them for distribution to my victo.................I mean customers...:msp_sneaky:

Fetch me another birthday whiskey and grab a cigar for me first......
dammit it's hard to get good help these days....:msp_thumbdn:

Here's your cigars, and six bottles of whiskey... :bday:

On the sweeping thing, I already had swept the floors this morning... and emptied the drain pans from draining all of the oil out of the Kohler, and did take the trash out.

In terms of the job, I'm currently off of work. Things are real slow at that workplace right now. Starting tomorrow, I'm going back out to bug some people and see if I can find a spot a dealer or something doing brakes on cars.

Then again, explanations/excuses whatever you wanna call them, ain't cared for.

Hey, if I meet some of you at a GTG, feel free to leave some bark and chips from your recent firewood haul in the back of the truck... I'll sweep it out for ya. :cheers:

The Illinois/Michigan/Indiana/etc. GTG is one that I will try to attend at all costs... so look forward to seeing me there. Wingnut and I have been babbling about that GTG, and about how long it takes to get there, etc.

When it cools off a little, I'll be out on the other 317 mowing down grass... and then probably weed the garden or painstakingly scraping grime off of that broken 317 engine so I can take it apart, and get in there and figure out what parts I need.

P.S. Not that many work on Sunday...

P.P.S. That pallet has already been organized and the Maxi Macs have gone out to their unf... er... fortunate new owners...
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