Away from home computer... NEED 029 IPL!

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Makita Freak!
Oct 22, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys,
I have the 029 IPL on my home computer but I'm away from it right now... Anyone got the link for me?

I am wondering how screwed I am... We bolted down the new chineese 029 46mm P&C but I seem to recall that we needed to put other parts in like the oiling system first... Here's where we are at...

Bolt the oil pump on and let it roll. Looks like you're headed in the right direction. ;)
S***!!! anyone got a spare cover washer??? 1127-162-1000 in ipl above... it's the one that goes on in between the oil pump and the clutch!
You do NOT use that washer if you have the clutch shims with the wings on them. That washer is only used on the later saws with the thinner clutch shims. The spiders are different thicknesses.
so you are saying to assemble without that washer... SWEET!

well... snag number 953... ugh!!! this saw is fighting me tooth and nail! I'm short a 029 muffler...

You do NOT use that washer if you have the clutch shims with the wings on them. That washer is only used on the later saws with the thinner clutch shims. The spiders are different thicknesses.
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so you are saying to assemble without that washer... SWEET!

well... snag number 953... ugh!!! this saw is fighting me tooth and nail! I'm short a 029 muffler...

As long as USPS doesn't loose it there is one coming with the saw I'm sending you ;)

well I caught a break...

My buddy had a spare and after 2hrs+ I ran over to pick it up and did a minor muff mod on it... I'm sure there are tons of pic from other guys doing this but here's how mine turned out... I tried to double the area of output holes, deleted the screen and opened up the muffler cap some to make it breathe better. I'll need one more night to get everything else all buttoned up and learn how to dial in the carb just right but it should be ready soon!

the 029 super top cover you're sending will be going on this saw (since it has the 46mm super piston). Then I'll just put the origional 029 P&C back on the supers body and cover it with the plain 029 cover... Hopefully the 45mm piston I ordered will be here by Sat so I can have both the 029s and 029 running for some weekend fun cutting! Sat and Sun are predicted to be sunny and 35* here!!! Great weather for some cutting! :cool2:



so you are saying to assemble without that washer... SWEET!

well... snag number 953... ugh!!! this saw is fighting me tooth and nail! I'm short a 029 muffler...

No, I am saying that it depends on the type of clutch clips you have wether you need a washer or not. Better make sure. use a washer where you don't need it and you'll never get the e-clip on plus ALOT of binding. Don't use a washer where you need one, and you may snag the oil pump drive on the clutch and tear the whole works to shreds. I have seen both.

As for your muffler mod, I am sorry but you have not done much there. The outlet cover exit point is still very small. You need to open that up to realize any gains you have made underneath. Looks like quite a few stragglers from drilling the hole in the muffler. I'd deburr that and get all of the shreds gone. If you suck one piece back into your engine, the top end will be scrap aluminum very soon.
No, I am saying that it depends on the type of clutch clips you have wether you need a washer or not. Better make sure. use a washer where you don't need it and you'll never get the e-clip on plus ALOT of binding. Don't use a washer where you need one, and you may snag the oil pump drive on the clutch and tear the whole works to shreds. I have seen both.

As for your muffler mod, I am sorry but you have not done much there. The outlet cover exit point is still very small. You need to open that up to realize any gains you have made underneath. Looks like quite a few stragglers from drilling the hole in the muffler. I'd deburr that and get all of the shreds gone. If you suck one piece back into your engine, the top end will be scrap aluminum very soon.

I put the clutch side all back together and it seems like the E-clip would never go on with another washer. I'll check the clutch clips when I get back to it to be sure... I might have to be on the road for a while this week so no telling when I'll be back to it.

Back to the muffler mod... I realize I didn't open the cover plate much after installing it. It looked like more when I was using the grinder on it, but it was late and I needed to get to bed anyhow. I needed to be up this morning by 5am. Trust me I'll disassemble and deburr the whole thing before final assembly with 150grit sand paper... This isn't my first rodeo with small engine mods. :msp_biggrin: The one question I have though is about the internal tube baffle that has all the swiss cheese holes... Does it have enough holes to flow or have people been poping these mufflers apart to add extras? I suppose the center hole might take care of some of that...???

Thanks for all the help guys! Much appreciated!
PS: I am almost positive I still have Neil's muff mod write up sitting in my mail box with pics so I'll go read that and look at pics again...