I bought a stolen chainsaw!

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Feb 26, 2008
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Right in the middle, USA
I had a fellow come to my shop yesterday, bearing a Stihl MS-460 Magnum with a 36 inch bar. The saw appeared to be pristine, practically new! I asked him what he wanted for the saw, and he said $450. It seemed like a pretty good deal to me, so I agreed to return with $450 cash after I went to the bank.

Here is where it gets good:

I was not born yesterday, and I know when somebody is probably toting a stolen saw. As soon as I left, I called the Stihl dealer that sold the saw. His sticker was still on it, and I knew him personally. I asked him about the value of the saw, described it carefully, and then asked if he knew anybody that was missing it.

SURE ENOUGH! He believed that it had been stolen from Xxxxx Tree Service, and I asked him if there had been a police report made. He said there was, and that the thieves had already been rejected by a pawn shop. We agreed that he would call the police department that had taken the report, and I would stall the crooks on my lot until the cops drove onto the fenced lot and trapped them. It would have been a cool entrapment, and I had an easy 1/2 hour I could hold them waiting for the money.

A short while later, he called me back indicating that the police would not come, the detective with the report would not check on it until next week, and he did not have the serial number of the missing chainsaw. He had no advice as to what I should do with the thieves on my lot. Without the right serial number from the police report, we don't even know if the saw is really hot.

NOW I have quite a tricky situation. I have a saw of no small value which I would like to possess, but not at the expense of of my conscience. Furthermore, I would love to have the police arrest the miscreants that took someone's saw, but I have already failed to get that accomplished. If I purchase the saw, and it turns out to be a stolen saw, I will lose every penny I spent on it when the police repossess it. If I fail to purchase the saw, the rightful owner will never get it back; 'cause you know the next guy will just buy the saw at a great price, and never report to the police any serial numbers.

So... I went back to the thieves, told them that it was a stolen saw, and I renegotiated a new price of $250.00. Then I went to the bank and paid them off. When I went to the bank this time (not intending to stall anymore), I took the main thief with me, and left the other guy there with the car. When I returned, he was waiting outside the fence, presumably ready to run if the police showed up. I paid them off, and they left, after borrowing a gas can! It turns out that they ran out of gas in my parking lot, facing downhill, waiting for the money.

Since then, I have notified the local police department "pawnshop unit" that I am in possession of a chainsaw with serial #xxxxxxxx, and that I would encourage them to check police reports to see if it is stolen. I spoke to the detective at length, and there is no way for me to routinely check serial numbers prior to purchase for any used equipment.

I guess that I have done all that I could be expected to do under the circumstances. If I am real lucky, it will not come back identified as a stolen saw, and I will have made a great buy. If I am a little bit lucky, the rightful owner will reimburse me the 250 bucks when they get their saw back. If I am mostly unlucky, the rightful owner will recover their saw, and sneer at me as they walk out the door laughing about how it serves me right to buy a "hot" saw. If I am completely unlucky, the police will impound it indefinitely, and the rightful owner will never see it again, either.

Your comments are welcome, even if they express an adverse opinion of me.
or if you are really unlucky you will lose the money, saw and be arrested for receiving stolen goods.....now that would really suck wouldn't it..........
I believe what they call this post is evidence. Not sure it's a good idea to buy stolen goods then post about it.
Sticky indeed. You tried to get the police involved and got nothing but with your calls you have a record of doing the right thing. By taking the guy in the bank there is now a picture of the douche. So if in fact the saw is hot there is a face to put with the crime.
No, guys, there is no way for me to get in trouble. I am not worried about that. I had a nice chat with the detective, and I discussed all the previous guys in that department that I have worked with since 1994. He was impressed with my detailed records.

I FAXED proof of my efforts to not receive stolen goods to the police dept that would be the responsible for any criminal charges. Any criminal prosecution involves proof of "intent". I have absolute proof of "NO intent whatsoever", since I checked with the police to make sure that any stolen property would be recovered. It is the same process that every pawn shop is required to follow. He remarked that I was taking the same risk as the pawn shops, and did not suggest that I had done anything wrong. He did think I paid more than a pawn shop would have.

I am rather comfortable working with the KCPD. In fact, we do all their tree trimming, so we are pretty well known. I even do the tree trimming at the building the DOT squad works out of, and I hate those guys. We only show up there when they aren't working.
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Sticky indeed. You tried to get the police involved and got nothing but with your calls you have a record of doing the right thing. By taking the guy in the bank there is now a picture of the douche. So if in fact the saw is hot there is a face to put with the crime.

I have his name, I have photos of his car and license plates, and I have video of everything that happened. I got 7 video cameras running 24-7 on my property.

I also have the testimony of a business associate that I have known for over 20 years, as well as two employees.
No, guys, there is no way for me to get in trouble. I am not worried about that. I had a nice chat with the detective, and I discussed all the previous guys in that department that I have worked with since 1994. He was impressed with my detailed records.

I FAXED proof of my efforts to not receive stolen goods to the police dept that would be the responsible for any criminal charges. Any criminal prosecution involves proof of "intent". I have absolute proof of "NO intent whatsoever", since I checked with the police to make sure that any stolen property would be recovered. It is the same process that every pawn shop is required to follow. He remarked that I was taking the same risk as the pawn shops, and did not suggest that I had done anything wrong. He did think I paid more than a pawn shop would have.

I am rather comfortable working with the KCPD. In fact, we do all their tree trimming, so we are pretty well known. I even do the tree trimming at the building the DOT squad works out of, and I hate those guys. We only show up there when they aren't working.

Way to rationalize a bad decision. If this world had more ethical people, scumbags like this would have no way to unload stolen goods. Justify it all you want, but buying stolen items keeps these crooks in buisness.
We had a 2 week old 460 stolen from us a few months back. My wish is that it cuts the next guy who uses it leg off. I reccomend you wear chaps when you run "your new saw". Work harder and buy a honest saw next time.
... If this world had more ethical people, scumbags like this would have no way to unload stolen goods. Justify it all you want, but buying stolen items keeps these crooks in buisness.

True, but in the real world that we all live in, that is just wishful thinking. I have taken ACTION to catch them.

If the cops will prosecute, I have everything they need except video of them stealing the saws. My contention is that the only way these guys would get caught is if I bought the saw. The cops in the other city already said they would do nothing.

I don't think anything will be done in my town, either, except possibly recover the saw at my expense. Maybe...prosecute the guys that sold it to me for "receiving stolen goods", but I have no control over that apart from my documentation. In this town, if you sell something stolen, you get charged with "receiving" it. Go figure.

Some folks will argue that "not buying" discourages the thieves. Then they part company, having had an opportunity to do more. I believe that catching them is a better way to discourage thievery, but it also comes with a much greater risk. Right now I am in "risk phase".
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Sticky indeed. You tried to get the police involved and got nothing but with your calls you have a record of doing the right thing. By taking the guy in the bank there is now a picture of the douche. So if in fact the saw is hot there is a face to put with the crime.

Btw who gives a chit about the legal aspect. Just do what ever is easy right. Bang a marines wife while he is on deployment, kick a dudes azz in a wheel chair, scare a old lady into removing a healthy tree on S.S, etc.. Why people are so caught up on the legal aspect of everything is beyond me. No one has any morals or self respect these days. You bought a stolen saw and there is no way to jutify that choice.
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I'm glad there are people out there that have the integrity to do the right thing. You demonstrated high moral character in my opinion.
You took the right steps in involving law enforcement. You didn't enable thieves as one poster suggested. More than likely you efforts will put a couple of scumbags in the slammer. Hopefully the owner or his insurance will gladly re-pay your cash outlay, as it is a fraction of the cost of a new 460. Rep sent, I wish society had more people like you!
I kind of expected to get beat up on this one, as well as respected by some for taking the risk. I know a lot of guys are really flame-hardened about stolen saws, and I might yet profit at somebody else's expense.

Myself, I have recovered stolen saws on two different occasions from pawn shops...sort of. The cops gave me the saw one time, and told me I had to buy it from the pawn shop on a different occasion. On that occasion, I did get to prosecute the employee thief that took the saw, so I felt ok about it in the end. He was forced to pay me back for the loss. I guess it's ok if the pawn shop made money on it.
Btw who gives a chit about the legal aspect. Just do what ever is easy right. Bang a marines wife while he is on deployment, kick a dudes azz in a wheel chair, scare a old lady into removing a healthy tree on S.S, etc.. Why people are so caught up on the legal aspect of everything is beyond me. No one has any morals or self respect these days. You bought a stolen saw and there is no way to jutify that choice.

Man, you really need to read what the guy wrote he is not bragging that he bought the saw. The way I interpret it he is trying to get the saw to its rightful owner, I think your just pizzed because you don't know if someone is doing the same for you. If I was the owner I would be more than happy to reimburse this man his money it beats buying a new one and to get a chance to see the faces of the people who had the saw, "Priceless "in my book. :hmm3grin2orange:
Man, you really need to read what the guy wrote he is not bragging that he bought the saw. The way I interpret it he is trying to get the saw to its rightful owner, I think your just pizzed because you don't know if someone is doing the same for you. If I was the owner I would be more than happy to reimburse this man his money it beats buying a new one and to get a chance to see the faces of the people who had the saw, "Priceless "in my book. :hmm3grin2orange:

I read it and anyone thinking he is a hero is clueless. He bought a newer 460 for 250, it is obvious that is a stolen saw. You are only as good as the company you keep. I will not even waste my breath with thieves and stolen tree equipment.
I question his motives, he bought a saw hoping to save a few bucks thats it.
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Oh jeez, you guys relax...the only indication that the saw MAY be stolen is the offhand guesstimate of the dealer...OP has performed due diligence in running it to ground...waaayyy above and beyond...if the detective who took the report goes to the dealer and pulls the warranty registration from Stihl, and the numbers match our boys saw ok..plus he has done the good deed of DOING THE COPS JOB...practically giving them prosecutorial level evidence...maybe he wins here, maybe not..

Lighten up already...there are enough tight aholes in the government...
Btw who gives a chit about the legal aspect. Just do what ever is easy right. Bang a marines wife while he is on deployment, kick a dudes azz in a wheel chair, scare a old lady into removing a healthy tree on S.S, etc.. Why people are so caught up on the legal aspect of everything is beyond me. No one has any morals or self respect these days. You bought a stolen saw and there is no way to jutify that choice.

That's a little harsh. Technically by law he did buy a stolen saw possible (not proven yet) but he is willing to give the saw up if it is proven to have been stolen. He has more then enough documentation and evidence to prove he did not intentionally buy a stolen item if it is proven to be stolen. If he was really going to buy stolen stuff do you really think a rational person would do that and then post about it knowing there are cops who are members here and god knows who else could be lurking these forums for stolen equipment to reposes. He has good intentions in my opinion. My .02
Oh jeez, you guys relax...the only indication that the saw MAY be stolen is the offhand guesstimate of the dealer...

Thanks for the support! I think there is a little more evidence than an offhand guesstimate by the dealer, however. I have no doubt that somebody is really pissed about the saw that ain't there no more.

1. There is a very specific variety of bar on this saw, and it ain't common. It matches the dealers description, which I did not mention except for the length.
2. The crook immediately (but reluctantly) took a $200 drop in price when I told him it was a stolen saw. That was in direct contradiction to the wild story he told me about the saws origin. That is almost a confession, isn't it?

I'm still waiting for someone to volunteer what they would have done...
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Thanks for the support! I think there is a little more evidence than an offhand guesstimate by the dealer, however. I have no doubt that somebody is really pissed about the saw that ain't there no more.

1. There is a very specific variety of bar on this saw, and it ain't common. It matches the dealers description, which I did not mention except for the length.
2. The crook immediately (but reluctantly) took a $200 drop in price when I told him it was a stolen saw. That was in direct contradiction to the wild story he told me about the saws origin. That is almost a confession, isn't it?

I'm still waiting for someone to volunteer what they would have done...

I would have just got it and not said nothen to nobody about the origin of it, strip it for a parts saw. This is the same situation as finding a 1000 dollar bill in the middle of no where. Your damned if you do and your damned if you don't.
I think you did the right thing. I've caught out thieves on a few occasions with motorbikes, and B&E of my tool trailer and my residence. 4 times over my whole life, and been robbed 2 other times when I didnt catch them. I've made citizens arrests, and called the cops each time. It's a sort of stupid move because it puts you at risk, but cops sure do come fast when you make that call. You need strong evidence though, which you didnt have. I think you made the right choice, and very graciously put yourself in a fairly high financial risk position with only little chance of benefit.

If it was my saw you recovered, I'd give you the money back and shout you a carton, then sit down and drink it with you when we had the thieves successfully arrested ;-)

Well done!


Ya jumped through hoops to do the right thing.
Good on ya!!

Hopefully it will come out clean.

All the same, ya might want to consider zapping the thread.
Put yourself in a polyester defense lawyers suit, and google.;)

Stay safe!
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