"Peer review is probably the best measure of skill and quality workmanship."
That all might be well and good but in the end, the customer is paying and it's their tree so if they are happy, thats what counts. If someone wants to make all the perfect cuts and prune according to whats "right" I would suggest working in an arboretum or greenhouse. Yes, trimming and pruning should be done correctly, I know, but if the homeowner wants the tree to be lopsided, so be it.
That being said, this is in no way to be construed as support for what FTA has accomplished. I don't know what he did and don't care.
It means little to nothing. You know more than you client, who hired you over more knowledgeable and qualified guys.
Goes without saying that he couldnt have known much. Hacks survive because people they work for dont know better.
I had one of my guys COMPLETELY screw up a job, he got two trees mixed up. He pollarded a chinese maple by about 60% (he was in the process of cutting it down when I stopped him). I was horrified. Client was over the moon, thought it looked fantastic.
You and Aerial Mason need to get together so you can congratulate each other.
The average client counldn't pick a collar cut from a shirt collar.