Granted, you get off a lot cheaper than a new Granberg even with having to replace the hardware on a lot of the cheap mills, but something to be said for not screwing up slabs and wasting time replacing hardware when something breaks. I have a 36" and 60" set of Granberg mill rails, and I wanted two permanent setups instead of switching them back and forth on the same mill. I looked at all the cheap mills and the hardware issues, almost pulled the trigger once or twice, and waited til I found a 24" used Granberg on Ebay for $100 that I took the 24" rails off and put the 60" rails on and left the 20 year old Granberg I have on the 36" rails. Never once a broken or stripped bolt or hardware issue in all the time I've milled w Granbergs. All depends on what peace of mind is worth to you - if you're not in a hurry I'd keep an eye out for a used Granberg.